This review will focus on the effect that individuals can have on their world. Some of these individuals have had inventions that have changed history while others have possessed a quiet strength and a willingness to act to address conditions that needed to be changed . Each brought about a change on his or her time and an impact on American history
Jane Addams Jane Addams was a dedicated social worker and humanitarian. She was very concerned about the underprivileged living in America’s cities, which were experiencing tremendous growth in the late 1880’s
Hull House Adams founded Hull House in Chicago in 1889. It was a place for immigrants and the poor. They could take classes in reading and writing English, sewing, cooking and child care.
Jacob Riis Riis, a Danish immigrant worked as a reporter and wrote a book How the Other Half Lives. This book brought attention to the unsafe and terrible living conditions in the tenements where so many immigrants lived in cities all over the country in late 1890’s Put slides in chronological order
Henry Ford Henry Ford used an assembly line to build cars in the 1920’s. The Model T was the first mass produced car. This process lowered the price of cars and allowed the average American to afford an automobile.
Henry Ford The explosion in car production and sales spurred the growth of other businesses. Several million Americans found jobs building, selling, servicing and driving car. Thousands of miles of roads were built, people could live in the suburbs and work in the city. The affordable car changed the way Americans worked, lived and spent their leisure time.
Susan B. Anthony A well known figure in several movements. Anthony was active in the fight against slavery (an abolitionist) and worked for the passing of the 13th Amendment which ended slavery.
Susan B. Anthony Anthony also worked for suffrage, the right to vote for blacks and women. The 15th Amendment passed and gave blacks the right to vote . Anthony never lived to see women get the right to vote, the 19th Amendment was passed by Congress after her death.
Upton Sinclair Sinclair was one of the muckrakers, reformers of the late 1800’s who saw and exposed filth and corruption in government and business.
Upton Sinclair . His novel The Jungle pointed out the terrible conditions in the stockyards and meatpacking industry. It was influential in the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act. “There would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs. There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms; and thousands of rats would race about on it. It was too dark in these storage places to see well, but a man could run his hand over these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of the dried dung of rats.”
Rosa Parks Rosa Parks was a black woman who refused to give up her seat and go to the back of the bus where African Americans were supposed to sit because of segregation.
Rosa Parks This event is considered a key event in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. To support her the African American community got together and organized the Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott. Dr. Martin Luther King helped carry out the boycott. This eventually led to the Supreme Court ruling that segregation in public transportation violated the Constitution of the United States
Ralph Nader A consumer advocate Nader investigated the automobile and other industries. His work resulted in the passage of many laws between 1966 and 1970. These included Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety, Poultry and Meat Radiation Control, Coal Mine and Occupational Health and Safety.
Ralph Nader In 1965 Nader wrote Unsafe at Any Speed. This book led to the enforcement of national safety standards in the automotive field.
Ralph Nader Another of Nader’s projects was the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG). This group conducted studies and lobbied for many public interest causes. Their work resulted in changes in laws, from sex - discrimination, to banking reforms, and anti-pollution.