Applied Geomatics Research and the Energy Sector Dr. Bob Maher Senior Research Scientist Applied Geomatics Research Group, Middleton Campus
Wind Atlas of Nova Scotia Proponent Ed Glover Partners: Nova Scotia Power Dalhousie University (Larry Hughes) Aspect Slope Road Proximity Powerline Proximity Criteria: Wind Speed Surface Roughness Protected Areas Elevation Suitability Poor (0) Favorable (255)
YES Applying our knowledge. Based on these results, were favorable sites chosen for turbines currently in Nova Scotia? YES Wind energy development suitability index 4-Year average wind speed at 30m. NSPI Turbine NSPI Turbine NSPI Turbine Poor Very Good Poor < 4 Fair 4–6.5 Good 6.5-8 Very Good >8
Offshore Mapping Funded under PRAC Work by Maria Healy, Robin Harvey Partners: Ken Lee, DFO Heiner Josenhans, NRCAN
New Opportunities BioVision Site selection Evaluation of available biomass Partner with WVDA LNG Environmental impact assessment
New Opportunities (LiDAR technology) AGRG has new airborne LiDAR system from Optech Funded by CFI Developing application program: Terrain analysis Flood risk mapping Forest canopy
Conclusions AGRG has used Geomatics technologies for research into alternative energy (wind) and mapping offshore resources New technologies allow us to undertake landscape assessment (NSERC funding) i.e. EIA and other applications