CONTENTS Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy Forming in 3 ranks Sizing, Open and Close Order Turning to Right, Left and About Turn Saluting to the Front, Falling Out & Dismissal Marching & Halting in Quick Time Changing Step in Quick Time Q & A
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy Sedi-A (Attention) “SQUAD SATU” “SQUAD DUA”
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy The words of command will be (“Sedi-A”). a. Position - the body erect, the weight balance evenly between the ball of the feet and the heels. b. Posture - shoulders held down and back to bring the chest to a normal position without straining or stiffening. c. Arms - the arms straight and held to the sides with the forearm tucked in behind the hip bone and the wrists straight. The hands closed with the thumbs vertical and facing to the front and the back of the fingers touching the thigh just behind the seam of the trousers.
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy d. Legs - Stand with the heels together, the feet turned out at an angle of 30 degrees: the knees braced. e. Chin - The head held up the neck touching the back of the collar and the eyes open, still, and looking just above their own height, the chin tucked in and the mouth closed. f. Coordination – Upon receiving the last word of command (“A”) from the words of command (“Sedi-A”), the cadets must execute to keep still in the same timing.
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy Senang Di-Ri (Stand at Ease) STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 BACK
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy The words of command will be (“Senang Di-Ri”). a. Leg Movement - Keep the right foot still and leg braced back. Bend and lift up the left knee at 90 degrees and the left thigh must maintain parallel to the ground. Then drive the left foot to the ground landing flat around 12 inches (30 cm) to the left of the right foot. b. Leg Distance –The distance between the left to the right foot is about 12 inches (30 cm). The distance of 12 inches (30 cm) is measured from the center of the right heel to center of the left heel.
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy c. Arms movement – Once the left knee is lifted to 90 degrees, both left and right arms that are placed at the side of the thigh must simultaneously be forced behind the back with the shortest route, keeping them straight: Place the back of the right hand in the palm of the left hand with the right thumb crossed over the left thumb and right and left fingers straight together respectively. d. Body position - Once the left knee is lifted to 90 degrees at the same time transfer the weight of the body to the left foot so that your body remains balanced when driving the lifted left knee to the flat to the ground.
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy Rehatkan Di-Ri (Stand Easy)
Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy The words of command will be (“Rehatkan Di-Ri”). Tell and demonstrate to the cadets to relax their limbs, body and head while in the position as it is the only time in footdrill that they can relax. This is the easiest movement in footdrill.
Forming in 3 ranks Fall In (Forming in 3 ranks)
Forming in 3 ranks a. Inform the cadets that at the beginning of their training, the squad must be introduced to their basic formation which is ‘Forming in Three Ranks’. b. The squad will be placed in closed order on three ranks, (front, centre and rear). Within each rank, there will be an interval of one arm’s length (with fists clenched) between each cadet. Between each rank, the distance is 75 cm. This is measured from the heels of one rank to the toes of the rank behind it. C. The cadets in the right hand file will raise their right arm in line with their breast pocket. Their clenched fists should just fail to reach the shoulder of the cadet in front.
Forming in 3 ranks d. Inform the cadets that it is important that they know how to get into the formation correctly as it will be adopted whenever they are on the parade or for drill lessons.
Forming in 3 ranks Ke-Kanan Lurus (Dressing)
Forming in 3 ranks The words of command will be (“Lurus Dengan Nombor, Ke-Kanan Lurus - Satu”). (“DRESSING BY NUMBER, RIGHT DRESS - ONE!”): a. All except the right hand cadet of each rank turn their head to the right. b. Those in the front rank extend the right arm parallel to the ground with fist clenched. The knuckles are touching the shoulder of the cadet on their right. c. Shuffle your feet when moving to the left or right and take small steps when moving backwards or forward until they are in line with their ranks and the cadet in front of them.
Forming in 3 ranks d. When the command “ SEKUAD – DUA” (“SQUAD – TWO!”) is given, everyone, except the right hand cadet of the front rank, adjusts his position until he is able to see the lower part of the face of the trainee who is 2 trainees away from him. The trainees in the centre and rear must be positioned directly behind their equivalent in the rank in front of him. e. When the command “PANDANG KE-HADAPAN, PAN-DANG!” (“EYES - FRONT”) is given, turn the head sharply to the front and at the same time, and return the hand to the side keeping the arms straight.
Forming in 3 ranks Dari Kanan – Bilang (From the Right – Number) Each cadet in the front rank will call out his number in succession from the right, keeping his head and eyes still. The cadets in the centre and rear ranks will take the number of their equivalent in the front rank. If an error in the numbering is made, the instructor will call out “SEMULA” (“AS YOU WERE”). The first cadet will start the numbering again.
Sizing, Open and Close Order
Sizing, Open and Close Order a. “YANG TINGGI KE-KANAN, RENDAH KE-KIRI, DALAM SATU BARISAN – PARAS!” (“TALLEST ON THE RIGHT, SHORTEST ON THE LEFT, IN SINGLE RANK – SIZE!”) The squad turns to its right, counts the regular pause (1-check-1) and then breaks off and obeys command. b. When the instructor has graded everyone into his correct position, he will instruct cadets to number themselves “One and Two”. “ANGKA DUA DARI KANAN – BILANG!” (“FROM THE RIGHT – NUMBER ONE, TWO, ONE TWO…!”)
Sizing, Open and Close Order e. “JADIKAN TIGA BARISAN CEPAT JA – LAN!” (“FORM THREE RANKS – QUICK MARCH!”) The even numbers wheel through 1800 and follow the last odd number. No. 1 remains as right hand man, No. 3 becomes right hand man of the centre rank, No. 5 the right hand man of the rear rank, No. 7 becomes No. 2 of the front rank, etc. On halting in position, each trainee turns to his front, takes up his own ‘dressing’ to the right and front, and remains at attention.
Sizing, Open and Close Order To teach this movement the instructor should make the squad act first as the front rank and then as the rear rank. At the command “DALAM BUKA BARISAN, KE-KANAN LU – RUS!” (“IN OPEN ORDER, RIGHT DRESS!”) a. The front rank moves the left forward 75cm, placing the foot flat on the ground. Then raise the right knee. The arms remain at the sides throughout. b. The rear rank takes a pace of 75cm backwards, pivoting from the ball of the foot to the heel, the body forward and knees braced. Similarly they raise the right knee and keep the arms at the sides throughout.
Sizing, Open and Close Order c. At the command “SKUAD – DUA!” , all except the right hand man of each rank turn their head to the right. Those in the front rank extend the right arm with the hand closed, the back of the hand uppermost and the knuckles touching the point of the shoulder of the man to their right. d. At the command “SEKUAD – TIGA!”, everyone, except the right hand man of the front rank corrects his dressing.
Sizing, Open and Close Order e. When the command “PANDANG KE – HADAPAN PAN – DANG!” (“EYES – FRONT!”) is given, turn the head sharply to the front and at the same time return the hands to the sides, keeping the arms straight. f. At the command “DALAM TUTUP BARISAN, KE-KAN LU – RUS!” (“IN CLOSE ORDER RIGHT – DRESS!”) The reverse of the open order.
Turning to Right, Left and About Turn KE-KANAN PUSING (RIGHT TURN) Turn 90ْ to the right, using the right heel and ball of the left foot by raising the left heel and keeping the weight of the body on the right foot. Throughout the movement, both knees are braced back and the body is erect. At the end of the movement the right foot is flat on the ground and the left leg is to the rear with the heel raised.
Turning to Right, Left and About Turn RIGHT TURN (Front and Side View)
Turning to Right, Left and About Turn KE-KIRI PUSING (LEFT TURN) Turn 90 degrees to the left, using the left heel and ball of the right foot by raising the right heel and keeping the weight of the body on the left foot. Throughout the movement, both knees are braced back and the body is erect. At the end of the movement the left foot is flat on the ground and the right leg is to the rear with the heel raised.
Turning to Right, Left and About Turn KE-BELAKANG PUSING (ABOUT TURN) The first movement follow the movement of “Right Turn – One” but turn 180ْ instead. To maintain balance, lock the thighs together.
Turning to Right, Left and About Turn (Side and Rear View)
Saluting to the Front, Falling Out & Dismissal HORMAT KE-HADAPAN HORMAT (SALUTE TO THE FRONT) Raise the right hand up to the front of the head-dress with the tip of the forefinger touching the peak slightly to the right and in line with the right eye. The fingers and thumb are holding close together, palm tilted downward so that the palm of the hand is not visible from the front. The upper arm is horizontal and parallel to the ground with the elbow inclined slightly forward, hand and wrist straight.
Saluting to the Front, Falling Out & Dismissal Keluar Baris (Falling Out) At the command “KELUAR-BARIS!” turn right, March forward three paces and break off, counting the regulation pause between movements. Bersurai (Dismissal) At the command “BERSU-RAI!” (“DISMISS”) turn right. If an officer is present, they will salute. After which, the cadets will march forward 3 paces. They will then break off in quick time and will remain in step within individual groups until they have left the parade ground.
Marching & Halting in Quick Time Cepat Ja – Lan (Quick March) Take a pace of 30 inches (75 cm) with the left foot, swinging the right arm forward and the left arm backwards, and then continue with the right foot etc. QUICK MARCH (Front and Side View)
Marching & Halting in Quick Time Sekuad Berhen – Ti (SQUAD HALT)
Changing Step in Quick Time Tukar Langkah Masa Berjalan, Tukar Langkah (Change step in quick time) Inform the trainees that sometimes while marching, the squad or the individual may be out of step with the rest. Changing step in quick time is a drill to rectify a wrong step while on the march. The word of command is “TUKAR LANGKAH MASA BERJALAN, TUKAR LANGKAH!” Demonstration of Changing Step in Quick Time should be as follow:
Changing Step in Quick Time a. “TUKAR LANGKAH – SATU!” (“CHANGE STEP – ONE!”) Given as the right heel strikes the ground. Take a pace of 30 inches with the left foot, and freeze with the left foot flat on the ground, the right heel raised, the right arm at the top of its swing forward and the left arm fully to the rear. b. “SEKUAD – DUA!” (“SQUAD – TWO!”) “Bend the right knee” so that the instep of the right foot is behind and touching the heel of the left foot. Return the arms to the position of attention.
Changing Step in Quick Time c. “SEKUAD – TIGA!” (“SQUAD – THREE!”) Step off a pace of 30 Inches with the left foot, swinging the right arm forward, the left arm backwards and continue marching. d. Now continue the movements. e. “TUKAR LANGKAH!” (“CHANGE STEP!”) Given on the left and the right foot respectively. The second movement is done in double time.