EGU2018-19463 QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors AS5.4/SM5.05 QA/QC Program for IMS Radionuclide sensors Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions Naoko Nakashima, Herbert Gohla, Robert Werzi, and Elisabetta Nava (1) CTBTO, Vienna, Austria ( 1 The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CTBT Preparatory Commission.
Introduction CTBT IMS Radionuclide Network: AS5.4/SM5.05 CTBT IMS Radionuclide Network: 80 Particulate monitoring stations 40 Noble Gas monitoring stations 16 Laboratories for re-analysis of radionuclide samples CTBT Radionuclide Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan : Radionuclide QA/QC Framework QA/QC Plan describes the tasks and responsibilities of different entities involved in the process of QA/QC programme Covering whole process from site selection, installation, certification through operation, re-engineering, and evaluation Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions EGU2018-19463 Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors 2
Part I – Radionuclide QA/QC Framework AS5.4/SM5.05 Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions EGU2018-19463 Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors 3 ECS/WGB-49/PTS/6
Part II – CTBT Radionuclide Stations AS5.4/SM5.05 Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions EGU2018-19463 Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors 4
Part II – CTBT Radionuclide Stations AS5.4/SM5.05 CAL05 BRL04 ARL01 ZAL14 ITL10 ATL03 ILL09 FIL07 RUL13 AUL02 NZL12 JPL11 CNL06 USL16 GBL15 FRL08 Buenos Aires (AR), Melbourne (AU), Seibersdorf (AT), Rio de Janeiro (BR), Ottawa (CA), Beijing (CN), Helsinki (FI), Bruyères-le-Châtelle (FR), Yavne (IL), Rome (IT), Tokai (JP), Christchurch (NZ), Moscow (RU), Pelindaba (ZA), Aldermaston (GB), Richland(US) Certified Laboratories (13) Uncertified Laboratories (3) Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions EGU2018-19463 Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors 5
Part II – Station monitoring and troubleshooting process AS5.4/SM5.05 Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions As part of the station quality program, on a routine basis some radionuclide samples are re-measured by laboratories. In case of large discrepancies corrective actions are implemented. EGU2018-19463 Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors 6
Part III – Laboratory Proficiency Test Exercises PRELIMINARY REPORT TO LABS A preliminary report on results of evaluation is sent to each respective lab for review and comments. After period of review, the final results are sent to laboratories for comments EVALUATION OF RESULTS A lab's ability of correct nuclide identification, correct quantification of activity and activity concentration are assessed, using performance statistics from ISO13528:2005 SUBMISSION BY LABORATORIES OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Laboratories their analytical results by the specified. PREPARATION OF TEST SAMPLE OR SPECTRUM PTS sends each laboratory a sample for analysis; the nuclides present and their respective activities and activity concentrations known to PTS only EXERCISE PLANNING PTS defines the specific objective of the Exercise and decides on sample type, nuclides of interest, and type of exercise CERTIFICATION / SURVEYLANCE ASSESSMENT Corrective actions are reviewed during surveillance assessment for certified labs and certification process of uncertified labs. RECORD OF QUALITY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS A summary of a lab's performance together with its results and performance indicators as well as corrective actions taken for discrepant and non-conformities are documented. TECHNICAL REPORT A Technical Report is prepared and sent to labs for comments. After period of review, the revised technical report is printed for distribution. CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT Laboratories are required to submit a corrective action report for discrepant results which is then verified during surveillance visit (for certified labs) or certification visit (for uncertified labs). 7
CTBT Radionuclide Quality Assurance Plan: Conclusion AS5.4/SM5.05 CTBT Radionuclide Quality Assurance Plan: covers QA/QC of 80 monitoring stations and 16 laboratories Site selection Construction, installation and certification Operation – quality monitoring and trouble shooting Re-engineering aims at providing reliable data to Member States Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Conclusions EGU2018-19463 Title QA/QC Programs for IMS Radionuclide sensors 8
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