“the world must be made safe for democracy”
Zimmermann note
$33 billion Reparations est. 116,000+ deaths
USA MOBILIZATION -National War Labor Board -War Industries Board: strategies & goals -Selective Service Act: Drafted, trained, active -Committee on Public Information -Funding the war effort -Fuel Administration -Food Administration -Espionage & Sedition Acts *Schenck v The United States -The Big Four -Wilson’s Fourteen Points: 1-5, 6-13, 14th -Treaty of Versailles mishaps
Trench warfare, no man’s land, Chlorine & mustard gas, gas masks, Tanks, subs, convoy system, machine guns, Dogfights(aces), zepplin, Flame throwers
THE BIG FOUR aka, Council of Four I=Vittorio Orlando F=Georges Clemenceau USA=Woodrow Wilson GB=David Lloyd George Mistakes post WWI No defeated(Central) powers invited Russia not invited, lost most men, lost most land 3. War guilt clause w/Germany 4. $33 billion in reparations 5. US Senate does not sign treaty nor join the League 6. Colonial issues not addressed