Test Beam Measurements october – november, 2016 D. Hohov1,2, A. Lounis1,2 , C. Nellist1, T. Rashid1,2 1. Laboratoire de L'accélérateur Linéaire Université Paris-SUD XI ATLAS Group meeting 05.12.2016
Test Beam Measurements Outline The samples Clean room characterization and tunings Test Beam setup Reconstruction results Conclusions 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements The samples (DUTs) Testbeam studies are carried out to characterise a novel sensor or read-out chip, the so-called device under test (DUT). Time over Threshold For the tests we had two FE-I4 modules: Module name Details Bias voltage Threshold 7 ToT @ DUT 0 NP150-6-1A 150um 80 V 50 V 1600 e 10 ke DUT 1 NP100-7-2A 100um 7 ke 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Clean room characterization Analog scan Digital scan DUT 1 DUT 2 DUT 1 DUT 2 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Clean room characterization Threshold tunings : 1600 e for both Tuning 100 um: 7 Tot at 7000 e 150 um: 7 Tot at 10000 e TOT tunings : Threshold and Noise scans DUT 0 (150 um) DUT 1 (100 um) 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Test Beam Setup Test beam allows the pixel modules to be tested in an environment similar to that which they will be exposed to within the ATLAS detector to determine how well they function. H6A 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Test Beam Setup The sensitive elements of the telescope planes are Mimosa26 active pixel sensors with a pixel pitch of 18.4 µm. Each plane consists of 1152 x 576 pixels covering an active area of 21.2 x 10.6 mm2 Trigger Logic Unit provides trigger logic and time stamp information on particle passage 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Test Beam Setup - Readout with RCE system. Pixel interface 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Data Reconstruction The raw data has to be reconstructed into the tracks for further analysis EUTelescope software is developed hand in hand with the AIDA pixel telescope and its DAQ framework EUDAQ There are five steps for the reconstruction: Data conversion data is converted from its raw data format into an LCIO (Linear Collider I/O) raw data collection as well as noisy pixels being determined Cluster finding This step is followed by grouping together hit pixels to clusters. These clusters can then be masked and removed if noisy pixels are present in them. 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Data Reconstruction Hit derivation The cluster coordinates are initially given only in the local sensor frame in terms of column and row numbers. The transformation from the local (sensor) frame into the global (telescope) frame is done via the telescope description stored in the geometry steering files. From cluster objects actual hit positions can be derived. As in this step hit positions are available, it is possible to use correlation of such hits on different sensors to obtain a prealignment. Alignment In the alignment step, the prealignment together with the derived hits are used to align the setup with an external alignment tools Pattern recognition and track fitting In the final step, track finding and fitting, the pre and final alignment are applied to the hits and tracks are derived from these hits. 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Test Beam Results 1) Lvl 1 plots (The Lvl1 plots for (left) DUT 0, (right) DUT 1 at 80V. ) The LVL1 distribution shows the arrival time of every recorded hit with respect to the external trigger signal (14 time windows of 25 ns). 2) Cluster size 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Test Beam Results 3) Correlations For the telescope planes For DUTs planes 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Test Beam Measurements Test Beam Results 4) Residuals 5) Hitmaps 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements
Summary and Conclusions Two samples have been measured at test beam. One of them has incomplete statistics. Further work on the reconstruction is required. After reconstruction of all runs, the output ROOT files produced during track reconstruction, analyse with Tbmon (TBmon is a small analysis framework used to study data taken with silicon pixel sensors in a test beam ). Measurements at the next test beam to complete characterization. Thank you for your attention! 23.11.2018 Test Beam Measurements