Warm-Up 4.8 What makes a generation revolutionary? Is it their culture? Political involvement? Social changes? Does your generation have the potential to be revolutionary?
A Nation Divided
I. The Working Class Goes to War Most soldiers who fought in the war were drafted. A popular way to avoid the draft was to enroll in college. Most college students in the 1960s were white and upper class, therefore, the majority of the soldiers were working class and minorities.
II. African Americans in Vietnam Large numbers of African Americans died in the war. MLK resisted speaking out against the war at first, but did later. Black Panthers Party believed African Americans should be exempt from draft because so many had already died
IV. Roots of Opposition The New Left College students across the nation formed groups such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to protest against the war. They demanded sweeping change in American society.
B) The hippies wanted to completely drop out of society B) The hippies wanted to completely drop out of society. Many created their own communities with their own rules.
V. War Divides the Nation The war divided the nation in to two camps. 1) Doves strongly opposed the war and wanted America to pull out of Vietnam. 2) Hawks wanted America to increase its military presence to end the war.