Where the Moundbuilders built Wisconsin to Georgia
Mounds Built by hand 2 mile stockade around the city for defense Mounds were used: As temples Homes of Priests Burial sites Center of art and commerce Up to 50 feet high Effigy- shape of an animal Larger than European cities Trade routes and highways Imp. Minerals- tall grass for thatch Crowed city Placement of the mound was not random
Serpent Mound
"The most famous of all such (effigy) mounds is the Great Serpent Mound in Adams County, 1,330 feet in length along its coils and averaging three feet in height.” --E.H. Roseboom & F. P. Weisenburger A History of Ohio
Rock Eagle Mound, Georgia By the Hopewell or Adena
Poverty Point Mound, Louisiana 500 acres or .8 square miles Purposes?? Ceremonial or trading center or settlement
Emerald Mound Mississippian Culture One of the largest ceremonial mounds in the United States It rises 35 feet high and covers 8 acres