Club 180 seeks to generate a sense of belonging among all of our Jeunesse Distributors. When an individual feels they are an integral part of a group, committed to a particular community and/or cause, he or she will effectively identify with the values of that group. Encourages Distributors to increase purchases to achieve 180 PV per month, with three consecutive months putting them in the elite Club 180. Project Strategy
Mexico, Panama & Chile – ALL Distributors February 2018 Pilot Tests Mexico, Panama & Chile – ALL Distributors February 2018
1 Month – Accumulate 180 PV Benefits Welcome letter Special PIN Virtual card
3 Months – Maintain 180 PV Benefits Personalized Club 180 journal VIP SEATING at events 10 Travel Points
6 Months – Maintain 180 PV Benefits Club 180 travel bag VIP SEATING at events 15 Travel Points
9 Months – Maintain 180 PV Benefits Club 180 watch VIP SEATING at events 30 Travel Points