Bacon’s Rebellion
Southern Society Planter Elite Backcountry Farmers Landowning “gentry” Political representatives Plantations Bigger = wealthier = more free time Small and rough at first Switched to slaves and grew Land was affordable; tools were not “Yeomen” farmers Subsistence farming: only enough crops to feed families
Bacon’s Rebellion Governor Berkeley of Virginia restricted voting in House of Burgesses to landowners and exempted politicians from taxpaying Land crisis: Yeomen wanted more land Wealthy owners did not want to risk war with Native Americans Only land for yeomen to expand with was Native American land
Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon, April 1676 Native American attacked his plantation Organized own militia and attacked Native Americans Berkeley’s Reforms to calm the situation Bacon approved 1,000 soldiers to attack All free men given right to vote Tax exemptions taken away Bacon and 100s of men seized power in Jamestown from Berkeley in July 1676 Charged Berkeley with corruption Berkeley raised his own army and fought back until October 1676 Bacon became sick and died after hiding in a swamp