Welcome at Bygholm Agricultural College 23.11.2018
Vision of Bygholm Agricultural College To develop engaged, competent and visionary farmers and managers for the agricultural business, nationally as well as internationally. To qualify students to work in a profession and provide the basis for further education, while also contributing to the students' personal and social development. 23.11.2018
We educate based on Danish farming =Strongly export oriented farming …e.g. the pig production… 23.11.2018
We educate based on Danish farming =Strong knowledge chain
We educate based on Danish farming = Highly efficient production DAIRY FARMS No. of farms 3419 Average data Milking cows 158 heads Milk, quota per farm 1450 tonnes Milk, kg 9663 kg/cow Milk, fat 410 kg/yr, 4.21% Milk, protein 337 kg/yr, 3.49% 72% 8% 12% 1% Average Danish dairy farm (2014 data) 23.11.2018
We educate based on Danish farming =Highly efficient production SOW FARM 2014 75% quartile No. of sows 775 Live born pr. litter 16.2 Weaned pr annual sow 32.0 Total piglet mortality, % 19.6 WEANER FARM 2014 7-30 kg 75% quartile No. of pigs produced 18158 Daily gain, g/day 476 Mortality, % 2.4 FINISHER FARM 2014 30-105 kg 75% quartile 7859 983 Meat % 60.5 PIG FARMS TOTAL (2014) Farms in total 3855 Sow farms 434 Integrated 1454 Finisher farms 1746 Danish pig farm performance (2014), 25% best farms 23.11.2018
The educational system and our programmes 23.11.2018
Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Denmark
Our programmes and EQF Level Title Duration NQF (EQF) 1 Farmers assistant 2 yrs 3 2 Skilled farmer + 1 yr 5-11 months 4 Farm production manager + 20 weeks Farm business manager 5 Agro economist Typical age at enrollment: 16 years after 10 year compulsory primary and lower secondary 23.11.2018
Routes into agricultural VET Primary + lower secondary (0.-9. grade) EUX: VET+general upper secondary highly-motivated students aiming at obtaining access to higher education along with a vocational qualification Special pathways for students with a practical approach to learning 23.11.2018
Basic farmer’s education: A sandwich School periods and Work Based Learning (WBL)
Level 1 and 2 Skilled farmer Farmer assistant 23.11.2018
Level 1 Farmer assistant, EQF3 Learning outcome The qualified person will be able to: perform ordinary tasks for livestock and be responsible for the practical feeding. ascertain the most ordinary signs of illness of livestock and participate in tasks for oestrus and reproduction processes. perform ordinarily occurring practical tasks with establishing, tending and harvesting of agricultural crops. handle chemicals and use and calibrate spraying material in practice. use, operate and maintain ordinarily selected machines and technical installations as well as maintain agricultural buildings. Programme level: Only competences Skills and knowledge described on course/subject level 23.11.2018
Level 2 Skilled farmer, EQF4 Three specializations Plants Acricultural equipment operator Livestock 23.11.2018
Level 2 Skilled farmer (plants), EQF4 Learning outcome The qualified person will be able to: plan and perform tasks with the establishment, tending and harvesting of agricultural crops as well as observe and react to pests and deficiency diseases. contribute to the preparation of field, fertilising and spraying plans as well as plan and perform spraying tasks for agricultural crops. participate in the planning and execution of wildlife and nature management. use, operate and maintain larger and complicated machinery and technical installations that are used for the cultivating, transport and storage of agricultural crops. 23.11.2018
Level 2 Skilled farmer (livestock), EQF4 Learning outcome The qualified person will be able to: perform the daily tending of livestock, assess fodder quality as well as plan and be responsible for the feeding of selected livestock. participate in the preparation of breeding plans for selected livestock and will have knowledge of the animals' reproduction conditions and estimated breeding value. act appropriately in connection with prevention and treatment of illnesses in selected livestock. assess the layout and dimensioning of a production plant for commercial livestock in relation to the animals' natural behaviour, welfare and productivity. use, operate and maintain complicated machinery and technical installations as well as other production equipment that is used for livestock. 23.11.2018
Skilled farmer is not enough… –top-up on management Skilled farmer + 3 semesters = 5 (6) years -> Level 3: Production manager (EQF4) -> level 4: Farm-business manager (EQF4) -> level 5: Agro Economist (EQF5)
Level 3-5, learning objectives organize and conduct an agricultural production based on insight into biology, production techniques and economy, analyze and evaluate agricultural production and use this to implement changes in daily production, take responsibility for managing, developing and motivating farm staff and train young people who are under education in agriculture, Level 4 establish and develop an agricultural enterprise based on a resource-oriented approach using knowledge about biology, production techniques and economy, perform the general management of the farm business through organizational plans and personnel policies communicate professionally with agriculture company's stakeholders, Level 5 develop a long term strategic plan for the farm business based on the national and international economy and politics, prepare a marketing plan and define the sales strategy for an agricultural company's total production, undertake project management, networking and innovative work in agriculture's production areas, develop personal leadership skills and act in an agricultural policy environment Manage and develop a whole farm business (staff, economy) a production unit (optimization) Leadership and business strategy 23.11.2018
Career options in Danish agriculture
Now let’s look at a specific case: Specialization in crop production, all the way from basic course to ….but first…………… 23.11.2018
Learning objectives defined at three levels of performance Beginner (B) Can solve a problem and perform an activity in a familiar situation or from a known problem or perform a more complex activity under supervision. Emphasis is on personal competence to understand the fundamental knowledge and skills areas of the program and competence to develop responsibility and foundation for continued learning. Foundation of autonomy in problem solving. Experienced (E) Can plan and carry out a task or activity or solve a problem in routine- like or familiar situation & condition, individually and in partnership with others. Emphasis is on the personal competence to independently understand more complex issues and to communicate with others about their resolution. Further emphasis on flexibility and adaptability. Advanced (A) Can assess a problem, plan, solve and complete a task or activity or solve a problem also in non-routine situations - alone or in collaboration with others - taking into account the nature of the task. Emphasis is on the personal competence to take independent responsibility and show initiative and competence to formulate and solve professional and social tasks and problems. Additional emphasis is on sense of quality and creativity. Perform more independently Understand more complex matters Communicate and cooperate Perform in familiar situation Founding learning ability and autonomy Perform in non-routine situation, alone or in collaboration Independent responsibility to solve professional and social tasks Initiative and creativity 23.11.2018
Progression, courses related to crop production Module EQF Courses (performance level) Performance level Weeks Basic course 3 Various titles B - WBL1 Various practical training (52) 1. Main course Crop protection 1+4 Crop production Machines (field) Organic farming E 1 1,5 2 WBL2 4 E/A (60) 2. Main course Planning of crop production Special crop´s production Crop protection 2+3 A 7 Production manager Production economy Production management 10 Farm business man. Production development Business economy 8 8,5 Agro economist 5 Strategy and innovation Final project 6 23.11.2018
Case: Crop production course, during basic course (EQF3) Student can perform simple tasks upon instruction to establish and cultivate common crops based on basic knowledge of soils and soil processes general growth processes, the cycle of nature, growth conditions and ecology use common machines and technical installations upon instruction, including participation in the daily maintenance, Do practical work related to livestock and crop production with respect of proper work safety 23.11.2018
Case: Crop production during first farm placement, WBL1 (EQF3) Able to undertake common practical tasks related to crop production Carry out tending and monitoring harvestable crops Be in charge of harvesting one or more cash crops and fodder crops Handle agricultural chemicals upon instruction 23.11.2018
Case: Crop production course during 1. main course (EQF3) 13 specific learning outcomes, student has knowledge of e.g.: plant anatomy and physiology Fertilization and crop protection (planning of application and use of equipment) Participate in production planning . Be able to read and apply plans in operation necessary growth conditions Cropping strategies and techniques (e.g. crop rotation) Soil conditions and tillage Environmental impact 23.11.2018
Case: Crop production during second farm placement period, WBL2 (EQF3) Able to Plan and carry out tasks to establish a crop Be in charge of tending and monitoring harvestable crops Evaluate weed density and ascertain pest attacks Decide on crop protection measures (incl. choose relevant pesticide and dosis) Handle agricultural chemicals + adjust and use spraying equipment 23.11.2018
Case: Crop production course during 2. main course (EQF4) 13 specific learning outcomes, student can account for e.g.: Plant characteristics and growth conditions of common crops Crop nutrient needs and correct application of fertilizers and manures Harvest, transport and post-harvest operations Relevant legislation and rules Crop breeding methods and seed production Crop protection throughout season, common crops Development and application of fertilization schemes 23.11.2018
Now we turn to: Subjects in our programmes Ready for some pie talk….? 23.11.2018
Basic course (20-40 weeks, EQF3) 23.11.2018
1. main course (16 weeks, EQF3) 23.11.2018
2. main course (20 weeks, EQF3) 23.11.2018
Production manager (20 weeks, EQF4) 23.11.2018
Farm business manager (20 weeks, EQF4) 23.11.2018
Agro economist (20 weeks, EQF5) 23.11.2018
Thank you for your attention Please contact us if you have any questions or comments… 23.11.2018