Achieving Dreams Together Sarangani, Mindanao at Work
The beginning of Alabel’s story About 80 percent of Grade 2 children are not able to read.
Inequity in quality of education. Brightest children score 67 Inequity in quality of education. Brightest children score 67.17 percent in national achievement examination. Children in need score only 33.8 percent.
Governor, I promise to do my best—Alabel’s Education Summit
Teachers’ Training—content, methodology, inspiration
Mentoring parents on their responsibilities to their children
Reinventing the Local School Board with Mayor Robredo
Ain’t no river deep enough
First time ever to own a workbook.
After a year, number of non-readers declined, and children have advanced reading skills.
The children are at the core of the province’ agenda on governance.
Systemic Reforms—addressing all phases of the problem at the same time Private Sector Reform of Local School Board Teaching content Teacher Training Instructional materials Parent support system Participative management Enrichment programs Remedial reading Feeding program Peace and order Project team (Initiators) Teachers Student Learners Parents Synergeia Local Gov’t. offices Local School Board