Upstream Medicine
Program Goals
Case Study
What Could Have Caused Mrs M's Hospitalization?
The Triple/Quadruple Aim of Healthcare
The Triple/Quadruple Aim of Healthcare (cont)
The Quadruple Aim of Healthcare
The Social Determinants of Health and Upstream Medicine
Social Factors, Like Food Insecurity, Drive Health Behaviors and Poor Outcomes
Relationship Between T2D, Food Insecurity, and Hospital Admissions
No Social Determinant Integration = No Quadruple Aim of Healthcare
How Can We Help Patients Like Mrs M?
A Workforce Model for US Health Care
Get Ready, Get Set, Go Upstream
Social Determinant Interventions Which of the following best describes the degree to which social determinants (eg, food insecurity) and interventions are integrated and defined in your clinical practice?
How Many Healthcare PDSAs Address Social Factors?
Upstream QI Project Example FoodRx: A Campaign to End Hunger and Improve Outcomes for Mrs M and Patients Like Her
Pick a Starting Point: Upstream QI Matrix Example: T2D and Food insecurity
Upstream QI Workflow Example
Screening for Food Insecurity
Social Screening Tools – 2015 Review
Payers Are Considering Upstream Factors
Key Messages