Think, Pair, Share Beauty is understood by Plato as a separate thing even if no beautiful things existed. For Aristotle, beauty is a property of beautiful things, without beautiful things there would be no beauty. What is this analogy trying to say?
The thinking of Aristotle on Body and Soul
Learning Outcome To be able to understand Aristotle’s concept of the soul.
So what do we know about Aristotle? He was Plato’s pupil. He lived 2000 years before Dawkins, therefore it may be more logical to assume his belief are closer to Plato’s. However Aristotle’s view on human beings are complex and it is not unusual to find that both dualists and materialist claim him as one of their own.
De Anima Aristotle referred to the soul as the anima, the life-giving principle and he sets these views out in De Anima (On The Soul). He believed that there are three parts of the soul: Nutritive: the soul moves us to get food. Locomotive: the soul enables our body to move. Intellectual: the soul enables us to think. Aristotle believed that it was the final part that distinguished the human soul from plant and animal souls. ‘The soul is the pattern of humanity that the person conforms to. Each Soul includes the unique form of each unique person.’ Plants, animals and humans Animals and humans Humans
Read the extract on Aristotle by Ahulwalia (pg244)… Draw a cartoon to show Aristotle’s idea of the relationship between the body and soul. Make sure you annotate it so it will a helpful revision aid. Stretch yourself task: What does the term psyche mean? How did Aristotle use it? Answer in your notes.
Aristotle described the soul and body as like a wax stamp. Why? Think, pair, Share…. ‘It indubitably follows that the soul is inseparable from the body’ - Aristotle, De Anima
Can you see why? Answer in your notes. Types of Dualism Research and write you own definitions for these terms. You may want to use a diagram to help you. Substance Dualism Property Dualism Include examples of philosophers who hold these views e.g. Aristotle, Plato. Stretch yourself task: Both Dualism and Materialism claim to be following the tradition of Aristotle. Can you see why? Answer in your notes.
The four causes! Material cause. The stuff. A thing's material cause is the material of which it consists. A table is made of wood. A statue of marble. Formal cause. The idea or blueprint of a thing. With a golden sphere, the gold is the matter, the sphereness is the form. Efficient cause. This is a moving cause. What brings something about. The carpenter makes the table. The sculptor makes the statue. Final cause. The purpose of a thing. The dinner table is for eating meals on it. A boat is for sailing.
Complete the table to link these concepts: Can you apply Aristotle’s four causes to his concept of the body and soul? Complete the table to link these concepts: The form causes Link to body and soul? Material cause Efficient cause Formal cause Final cause Your body Your soul Your soul Your soul Aristotle’s example: Axe = If the body was an axe, soul = ability to chop.
Think, Pair, Share Russell claimed Aristotle is ‘Plato diluted by common sense. He is difficult because Plato and common sense do not mix’ What did he mean? Is he right? Discuss this idea in pairs
Homework Research more detail on Aristotle’s hierarchy of the soul. Consider: What did he call the types of souls? What is the difference between plants, animals and humans?