April 2017 School Board Report Teacher Leadership April 2017 School Board Report
Introduction & Strategic Plan
Matthew Rebecca Jessie Amber Lindsay Alexander Berchenbriter Ketchum Osterkamp Spears Social Studies Math & Data Literacy Science Special Education Learning Supports Specials
Focus 1: We believe all children can learn at high levels
Focus 2: We believe educators matter
Program Lead Teacher Leadership outreach efforts Teacher Leadership website Monthly check ins with principals Quarterly check ins with all full time Teacher Leaders (CAL) Weekly meeting with Tracy Schipper Deanne Thiede
23 full time Teacher Leaders have logged Data As of April 3, 2017 23 full time Teacher Leaders have logged 2,118 coaching interactions for a total of 1,724 hours of coaching with teachers
Data Reflections Last year’s End of Year Report Year two reflections reflections: celebrations and areas for improvement Value feedback and data New Teacher Data/Feedback
Matthew Alexander, Social Studies Curriculum Lead New Social Studies Standards Drafted last school year; currently being finalized with a review team New standards are a departure from current Iowa Core Earliest the Department of Education will adopt new standards is late summer/early fall 2017 Anticipate 3-4 year implementation window for districts Grade level themes to guide curriculum Content anchor standards written around the skills found within the 5 major social sciences: behavioral science, civics, economics, geography, and history Inquiry anchor standards shift expectations for student work from memorization of information to active investigation of content in order to draw informed conclusions
Matthew Alexander, Social Studies Curriculum Lead Goal of this year’s coaching support: Build a foundation to support implementation of the new standards as soon as possible K-6 Social Studies Council is developing new curriculum and learning focused around the new standards 7-12 is doing the same work but within individual PLCs 7-12 is also engaged in Literacy in the Social Studies training during PL Days
Jessie Ketchum, Literacy Curriculum Lead Revisions to K-12 ELA Standards Eliminate specific text titles but maintain genre references Clarify the use of the terms “perspective” and “point of view” Eliminate IA.1 (comprehension strategies) in grades K-12 under literature and informational texts Realign Standard IA.2 (fluency) as a substandard of Standard 10 (range of texts) under literature and informational texts (grades 6-12) Revise Speaking and Listening Standard 6 to include the content of IA. 5 and IA. 6. (public speaking and interviews) Continued research and support with early literacy instruction Dr. David Kilpatrick 95% Group Survey and focus group participants said they saw the specific titles as required reading rather than examples of possible text options. This will be done by inserting the proper term in parentheses within the standards statements and including the terms point of view and perspective in the glossary. The authors of Common Core failed to accurately differentiate between the two terms “perspective” and “point of view” in the Reading Standards. Survey participants indicated they found this standard to be redundant. Feedback indicated that Standard IA.2 was a better fit as a substandard than a stand-alone standard. See Appendix A on p. 19 for the revised reading literature and informational text Standard 10.
Jessie Ketchum, Literacy Curriculum Lead Coaching Supports Vertical analysis of standards PLC support Professional development (K-4) Handwriting Curriculum (K) Blog posts
Rebecca Berchenbriter, Math Curriculum Lead Curriculum, Standards, & Assessment Elementary: Math DCA Revision Middle: Develop Math Course Advancement criteria Secondary: HS Math Courses transformation State Summer Math Institute -- Steve Leinwand Support with Mathematics Screening & Intervention Math Education Research & Sharing Principles to Actions: Effective Math Teaching Practices Number Sense & Fluency
Rebecca Berchenbriter, Data Coach Standards Based grading - Infinite Campus support Data Visualization software - Tableau Data Collection and analysis - Google Forms & Sheets
Amber Osterkamp, Science Curriculum Lead Adoption of the New Iowa Core Science Standards Adoption: In year two of four Science Council-Unit design based on three dimensional learning and tied to phenomena K-12 science teachers-implementing three- dimension and hooking units and lessons to phenomena Facebook Page-Collection of resources
Amber Osterkamp, Specials Curriculum Lead Curriculum Support Moving PLC’s forward Powering standards Creating proficiency scales Professional learning Facilitating PL Designing and/or supporting creation of PL Advocate/Support Organize conference costs and requests Support new learning Creation/design of PLC facilitation
THANK YOU for your support! Questions?