Writing a Compelling Need Statement Barbara A. Howell, M.A. PAD 5850
Where does it fit? Critical part of the proposal Heart of the entire case for support Presents the proverbial hook
Developing the need statement Establish a clear relationship to the organization’s mission and purpose. Focus on the need in the community. Assertions about the need should be supported by evidence Use clear, concise language. Avoid jargon.
Whose problem is it? National State-wide District Local Use documented evidence about the problem in the geographic area you will be addressing/serving.
Model Program? Will your project be a pilot project ? Will it be replicable? How will results be disseminated? Caution: In this section, stay focused on the need.
Writing the Need Statement State the need using hard-core statistics, not assumptions or undocumented assertions. Use statistics that are clear and that support your argument. Use comparative statistics and research. Make sure all data collection is well documented. Use anecdotal (touching) stories people as examples. Focus on the geographic area the project will serve.
Worksheet 2.1
Need Statement From the worksheet, develop the ‘Need Statement’ section of your proposal. Discuss the need in terms of your project’s benefit to the individuals in the community. Describe a clear relationship to your organization’s mission. Include solid evidence supporting your claims about the nature, size, and scope of the need to be addressed. Avoid the use of jargon. Be persuasive and concise.
Next Week... Be sure to e-mail worksheet and narrative to me by Wednesday evening. Bhowell@mail.ucf.edu Course website http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~bhowell