teccola.com is the internet order management tool for the company TCM, Tecnología del Cemento y Mortero, S.L. TCM, a pioneer in the design, research, manufacturing and commercialisation of dry mortar for the construction industry, maintains a constant commitment with the market by innovating new ways of commercialising that allow it to cut costs for the final customer. Take a look at our extensive catalogue of mortar and see how the direct management of orders can benefit your construction project: - Reduction in delivery times - Record of purchases - Individualised treatment - Overall improvement in the purchasing process
teccola.com is the internet order management tool for the company TCM, Tecnología del Cemento y Mortero, S.L. TCM, a pioneer in the design, research, manufacturing and commercialisation of dry mortar for the construction industry, maintains a constant commitment with the market by innovating new ways of commercialising that allow it to cut costs for the final customer. Take a look at our extensive catalogue of mortar and see how the direct management of orders can benefit your construction project: - Reduction in delivery times - Record of purchases - Individualised treatment - Overall improvement in the purchasing process
Adhesive cement applied with a thin coat for tiling ceramics of different types, shapes, water absorption levels, etc. Formulated with gray or white cement, limy and siliceous sands and specific additives. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, in gray or white. They meet the technical requirements necessary for each type of job.
Teccola gray Teccola white Teccola special plaster Teccola porcelain Teccola flexible Teccola quick Recommended water mixed (litres/25 kg bag) 7/ /676/ Fresh density (kgs/dm 3 ) Open time (minutes) Adherence 28 days (N/mn 2 ) >0.5 >1 >1 (1) Maximum application thickness (mm) (1) Adherence 24 hours (N/mn2) TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS
PRODUCTAMOUNT (2) teccola WHITE 3.40 / BAG (25 KG) teccola SPECIAL PLASTER 5.75 / BAG (25 KG) teccola FLEXIBLE WHITE / BAG (25 KG) teccola FLEXIBLE GRAY 9.50 / BAG (25 KG) teccola GRAY PRESTO2.55 / BAG (25 KG) teccola PORCELAIN/WHITE 6.50 / BAG (25 KG) teccola PORCELAIN/GRAY6.00 / BAG (25 KG) teccola FAST/FLUID12.50 / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Tecjun, grout for whitewashing that provides finishes that are difficult to match. Tecjun has high plasticity behaviour and the set is controlled. It allows joints to be filled quickly and without complications.
PRODUCTAMOUNT (2) tecjun COLOUR NARROW JOINT / BAG (25 KG) tecjun COLOUR WIDE JOINT18.75 / BAG (25 KG) tecjun TRADITIONAL GROUT / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Plasters applied by machine on different supports: brick walls, concrete blocks, concrete façade, cement rendering coats, etc. They have a range of mechanical strengths of 5 and 7.5 N/mm² (other strengths on request). Formulated with gray or white cement, aereal lime, siliceous and limy sands and special additives. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, with water repellent additives. They allow for different finishes in gray, white or colour, such as trowelled, sanded or knockdown texture.
PRODUCT AMOUNT (2) tecpro M-5 WHITE 3.15 / BAG (25 KG) tecpro M-5 WHITE/HI 3.30 / BAG (25 KG) tecpro M-5 KITCHEN/WC 2.60 / BAG (25 KG) tecpro M-5 GRAY/HI SPECIAL 3.20 / BAG (25 KG) tecpro M-5 GRAY 2.75 / BAG (25 KG) tecpro M-5 GRAY/HI 2.90 / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Mortars for manual plastering on different surfaces: brick walls, concrete blocks, cement rendering coats and similar surfaces. They have mechanical strengths of 5 and 7.5 N/mm² (other strengths on request). Formulated with gray or white cement, siliceous and limy sands and special additives. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, with water repellent additives. They allow for different finishes in gray or white: trowelled, sanded or polished.
PRODUCTAMOUNT (2) tecrev M-7, / BAG (25 KG) tecrev M-7,5 FI 2.25 / BAG (25 KG) tecrev M-7,5 FI/HI 2.40 / BAG (25 KG) tecrev M-7,5 HI 2.15 / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Wall mortar for normal brick walls, face brick, block, etc., with a wide range of strengths according to what it is used for: 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 N/mm 2. Formulated with gray or white cement, siliceous and limy sands and special additives. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, with water repellent additives. They allow for a joint finish in gray, white or any colour that the customer desires.
PRODUCTAMOUNT (2) tecma M / BAG (25 KG) tecma M / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7, / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI 1.85 / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI Yellow / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI White / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI Cream / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI Orange / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI Black / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI Red / BAG (25 KG) tecma M-7,5 HI Red / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Floor grouting mortar. They have different strengths depending on their use: 5 and 7.5 N/mm² (other strengths on request). Formulated with gray cement, limestone and siliceous aggregates with different grain size distributions and specific additives. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Depending on their strengths, they are suitable to put on top of stoneware or terrazzo.
PRODUCTAMOUNT (2) tecsol M / BAG (25 KG) tecsol M-7, / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Gray mortars which can be pumped through a hose, usually used for spraying. They are classified by the quantity of cement, except in certain circumstances. Formulated with gray cement and limy and siliceous sands with different grain size distributions. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use. They can be supplied with a water repellent.
PRODUCTAMOUNT (2) tecgun D / BAG (25 KG) tecgun D-400 HI 2.70 / BAG (25 KG) tecgun M-10 BM/CI 2.45 / BAG (25 KG) (2) Taxes not included
Bajada La Pajosa, Puente Arce Cantabria (SPAIN) Tel: Fax: