Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia Cholera Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia
Cholera and Epidemiology Water pump in memory of John Snow
Epidemiology Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease caused by V. cholerae It is seen in many countries of the world mainly the poor third world countries In Libya there has been no epidemic since 1970 Cholera is no longer the dreaded disease of the past because we can prevent deaths with Oral Rehydration Salt solution
Agent factors Agent – V cholerae (mainly El Tor biotype) The bacteria causes a toxin, which acts on the intestinal mucosa causing severe diarrhea Reservoir of infection – Man (case or carrier) Infective material – stools and vomit/vomitus Infective period – a case of cholera is infectious for 7-10 days
Vibrio cholerae
Host factors Age – can affect any age Sex – affects both sexes Cause severe morbidity and mortality Sex – affects both sexes
A Cholera patient in Bangladesh (A scene from 1970)
Environmental factors Mode of transmission Water is the most important source of infection Food also may be source of infection Direct contact through contaminated fingers Incubation period 1-5 days
Control of Cholera Primary prevention Health education Improvement in sanitation Avoid close contact with the patients
Secondary prevention Early diagnosis and Treatment Rehydration Oral with Oral Rehydration Salt solution Parenteral with Ringer lactacte solution in severe cases Antibiotics – Tetracycline Isolate the patient to prevent spread of disease Disinfect all infected material to prevent spread of disease