The House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros
Growing Up in Chicago Born in the Hispanic Quarter of Chicago in 1954 Mexican-American (Chicana) She was the only girl in a family of seven, and grew up in poverty Her parents emphasized education Her family moved often; she was shy and introverted, but connected with her community privately through writing
Becoming a Writer Attended Loyola University in Chicago as an English major Decided to become a writer Attended the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, a graduate school for young writers Was afraid her unprivileged background would put her at a disadvantage in the literary world However, her heritage gave her the unique voice that shaped her career The House on Mango Street is Cisneros’s first novel.
The House on Mango Street: Narrator The work is narrated by Esperanza Cordero, thirteen, a Chicana girl in Chicago. Although told in the voice of a young girl, it addresses mature subject matter. In English, Esperanza means hope, and also, waiting. This choice of name is significant in the novel: the character and her independence represent a way out of the slums. As she watches her neighborhood, she decides that she will not become like the women she knows, trapped and powerless in a man’s world.
The House on Mango Street: Setting Mango Street symbolizes both Esperanza’s impediments (what holds her back) and her inspiration. In the beginning of the novel, she is disappointed with the house on Mango Street. She finds that she is not like the other residents of Mango, that she can and will find the strength to leave her life there. She realizes that Mango is a part of her, and where she comes from is as important as where she’s going. She knows she must come back to help the others who are trapped there. Cisneros’s writing is very imagistic. She makes unexpected comparisons between things to give connotations to what she describes.
The House on Mango Street: Structure The novel is told as a series of vignettes, 1-4 pages each There is no real chronological plot, but a series of insights into Esperanza’s thoughts and feelings. The vignettes show the trends in behavior in the community and provide a contrast between strength and weakness, between freedom and bondage.
The House on Mango Street: Poetic Language Simile Metaphor Imagery Personification Alliteration
The House on Mango Street: Characters Alicia, the medical student who is still bound to her old fears. Marin, who waits. Beautiful Rafaela, the modern-day Rapunzel. Rosa Vargas, with too many children, crying for the husband who left. Mamacita, who dreams of the pink house she left behind and refuses to speak English. Sally, the subject of abuse until she marries, to escape, before eighth grade, and moves from Mango Street into another sort of trap. And then there is Esperanza, who is like the skinny trees outside her tiny window, who longs for a house all her own, who starts her own quiet war.
The House on Mango Street: Themes Identity Community / Neighborhood Freedom / Growth Fitting In Coming of Age Home / Belonging