Fiction Genres
Activity 1 With someone sitting next to you. In pairs (2) create on your own sheet of paper a title and two sentence summary of a book that includes two fictional genres.
Nonfiction Genres
Narrative Tells a story or a series of events
Write three sentences answering the following question: Activity 2 Write three sentences answering the following question: Can narratives be both fiction and nonfiction? Why do you believe so? Think of two examples to share to support your reason.
Persuasive Persuasive writing, is a form of writing in which the writer uses words to convince the reader that the writer's opinion is correct in regards to an issue. Author may want the reader to perform an action or to convince the reader to believe a certain point of view
Examples of Persuasive Writing Advertisements Editorials in Newspapers Speeches Political Cartoons
Informational Informational writing is designed to explain, inform and describe something to the reader
Examples of Informational Writing Newspapers Almanacs Magazines Research Papers
Poetry the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts
Examples of Poetic Writing Shakespeare’s Sonnets The Epic of Gilgamesh The Road Not Taken
Activity 3 On your sheet of paper, make a T-chart Activity 3 On your sheet of paper, make a T-chart. List two specific times you might write persuasively and two times you may write informationally.