Marine Expert Group 7th November 2013, Brussels Marine protected area networks in Europe Johnny Reker, European Environment Agency With support from ETC Inland, Coastal and Marine waters & ETC Biodiversity S. Agnesi, G. Mo, A. Annunziatellis, L. Snoj, L. Globevnik, G. Subelj & B. MacSharry Glad to have this meeting Provide an opportunity to discuss and agree (for now) to the structure and planned process I will Provide an introduction to the MBA Progress so far Structure and content Future process Room for discussions and interuptions – joint effort
European regional seas 10 regional seas are directly influenced by EU nature legislation 5 721 000 km2 EEA host two databases on protected areas Common Database on Designated Areas (national sites) Natura 2000 database EEA received data from HELCOM, OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs 2/9
Coverage of marine protected areas in European Sea 2012 – % cover of Natura 2000, national designated sites & RSCs 0.1 3.0 % The MPA networks covered 338 000 km2 in 2012 of the EU marine areas (within 200 nm) – 65% of the area has designated more than once. In total 7 725 sites (N2k 2 667 sites. 229 000 km2) 3/9
Coverage of MPA networks in European regional seas – coastal and offshore Regional seas % of 0-1 nm zone covered by MPAs % of 1-12 nm zone covered by MPAs % of 12 nm to END covered by MPAs Baltic Sea 36.1 16.4 3.9 North East Atlantic Ocean 52.1 2.3 Celtic Sea 47.5 8.9 Greater North Sea incl. Kattegat &English Channel 63.4 32.4 11.2 Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast 48.9 15.8 1.7 Macaronesia 28.0 4.0 0.6 Mediterranean 30.6 14.2 6.1 Western Mediterranean 60.4 29.6 10.1 Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea 30.5 2.7 0.0 Adriatic Sea 17.0 1.4 Aegean-Levantine Sea 2.4 Black Sea 77.9 19.3 Total 40.2 15.6 3.0 0-1 nm zone due to WFD, 1-12 nm is territorial waters, 12- 200 nm is a mixture of areas that MS have decided to report upon regardless of jurisdiction capacity (MSFD implemention and relevant for art. 13). 4/9
Marine Protected Area networks in European seas - A coherent MPA network? Adriatic Sea: MPA cover in 2012 17% covered in the 0-1 nm zone 1.4% covered in the 1-12 nm zone 0% covered beyond 12 nm 5/9
Marine Protected Area networks in European seas - A coherent MPA network? North Sea: MPA cover in 2012 64.4 % covered in the 0-1 nm zone 32.4% covered in the 1-12 nm zone 11.2% covered beyond 12 nm 6/9
Marine Protected Area networks in European seas - status in 2012 Consists of 7 725 sites 65% of the network area has been designated more than once Cover 338 600 km2 Large differences in coverage between regional seas Large differences in coverage of coastal vs offshore waters MPAs cover 5.9 % of EU marine areas Two regional seas meet the Aichi target of 10% cover in both coastal and offshore waters Natura 2000 adds a significant part to EU MPA networks If EU is to meet the Aichi target 11 (10% cover) by 2020 230 000 km2 still needs to be designated Will this equal a representative, adequate and coherent network? 7/9
Marine Protected Area networks in European seas - Assessment of ecological coherence HELCOM 2013 Moved from 3.9% MPA cover in 2004 to 11.7% in 2013 ”In 2010 the BSPA MPA network nor the joint BSPA/N2k MPA network could be considered ecologically coherent...” OSPAR 2013 ”OSPAR MPA network is not ecologically coherent though with positive signs” Opportunities to joint work with HELCOM in the future due to similar conclusions 8/9
Thank you 9/9