English 10 – 9/24/18 “Music heard so deeply that it is not heard at all, but you are the music while the music lasts.” T.S. Eliot What is black and white and red all over? Pasimology – the art of speaking Goals – Finalize analysis approval. Work on slide shows. Get pictures into PP. Homework – Work on imagery for your Powerpoints. Don’t Forget to study for vocab. 4 on Friday. An embarrassed/sunburned penquin.
English 10 - 9/25/18 Listen to “Facts about Cats.” What sort of ideas is Timbuk 3 trying to convey about how they see human nature? Why is it important to be on-time for work if you're a computer security specialist? Portmanteau word – A word formed by blending two or more other words; e.g. twist + whirl = twirl. Goals – Work on the imagery of the songs. Focus on meaning of the pictures you choose and the tone of the music. Make it personal to your own knowledge of the world. Authentic! Homework – Work on pictures; you are running out of time! The early nerd catches the worm.
English 10 – 9/26/18 Listen to this song called “Elephants in Love.” What images do you see? Why did Mr. Went go to the Masseuse? Paronomasia – punning, a playing on words. Goals – Get Lyric PowerPoints visual. Think about what sounds and images convey about emotions and meaning. Homework – Read your assignment sheet about the Outline. Because he was Passed tense.
English 10 - 9/27/18 Examine the details of the image on the screen. What story does it tell? What does it mean? What does a pirate do when invited to a party? Pathetic fallacy – Ascribing human passions to nature, cruel snows, caressing clouds, etc. Goals – Discuss Outline and Rubric. Continue work on PowerPoint. Think of your images in terms of meaning. Homework – Keep working on your PowerPoint. We are running out of time. Don’t forget to study for the vocab 4 tomorrow. Sends an Ahrrrr S.V.P.
English 10 - 9/28/18 Five minutes to study for Vocabulary # 4. Where did the bull take the cow on a date? Palindrome – a word or passage that reads the same forward or backwards. E.g. Dennis and Edna sinned. Goals – Complete and correct Vocab 4. Introduce Vocabulary 5 words. Work on PowerPoints if time. Homework – Complete PowerPoint and Outline. Presentations begin on Monday. Begin Vocab. 5 study. Dinner and a mooovie!