Bell Work Pd. 1/2 Take a look at your essay. What do you need to fix? Make a plan for today and tomorrow in the computer lab. Pd. 4 What elements make for a strong argument? What makes a weak argument. Explain.
Discourse the use of words to exchange thoughts and ideas. The discourse covered by Ms. Nelson in English 10 has many various topics.
Vocabulary/Word Wall #2.1 English 2, Grade 10
1. Avarice (n.) Greed; desire for wealth Jenna was avarice when it came to her electronics
2. Furtive (adj.) Stealthy; secretive Yesterday, John displayed furtive behavior which made me think he was hiding something.
3. Bacchanalian (adj.) (Back-ah-nail-ian) Wild and drunken She was acting is such a bacchanalian way that I was afraid she would hurt herself!
4. Extradite (v.) To turn over to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority Jose was extradited to the Mexican government after he caught as an illegal alien in the US.
5. Copious (adj.) Numerous; large in quantity It is bad for your health to ingest copious amounts of sugar!
Roots Bio Meaning: Life Chron Meaning: time