Bone growth 2 directions – length and width Interstitial growth- lengthwise growth –chondrocytes in the epiphyseal.plate produce new cartilage, replaced in the diaph. by bone --will continue until growth stops (hormones, genes, etc. tell it to stop). Epiph. and Diaph. will fuse, epiph. line forms in the bone where epiph. plate used to be Appositional growth- inc. in width. --Osteoblasts in periosteum deposit new bone tissue at the same time osteoclasts destroy bone tissue in the medullary cavity.
Joints/Articulations Junction between 2 or more bones 3 Categories of Joints Immovable Semi-movable Freely movable
Immovable/Synarthroses Dense conn tissue holding them together Bones that closely contact each other EX: skull sutures epiph plate
Semi-immovable/Amphiarthroses Slight movement Cartilage between EX: pubic bone Vertebral discs
Freely Movable/Synovial/Diarthroses Synovial fluid- lubricates, nourishes and prevents friction Articular capsule - covers joint and contains fluid Art. discs between cartilage-shock absorbers
Ball and Socket round head of one bone moves in cuplike cavity of another EX: hip [femur/acetabulum] shoulder [humerus/glenoid fossa]
Condyloid/ Ellipsoid Variation on a ball and socket except the shape is more OVAL; not a complete rotation EX: metacarpal and phalanx
Gliding Sliding, back and forth and twisting movement Flat , curved surfaces EX: wrist [carpals] ankle [tarsals]
Hinge Convex surface of one bone fits in concave surface of another EX: elbow [humerus/ulna], phalanges
EX: skull on top of Cervical vertebrae [atlas and dens] Pivot Cylindrical surface of one bone rotates in the ring formed in another bone EX: skull on top of Cervical vertebrae [atlas and dens]
Saddle Bones that contain both concave and convex regions that fit complementary EX: Thumb [1st metacarpal and carpal]