education and training systems (UOE)


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Presentation transcript:

education and training systems (UOE) ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 10.3 of the agenda: Implementing act on education and training systems (UOE) Aim of the document: To show the inspiration possibilities for creating an ‘UOE’ implementing act. To agree on the mandate for the Task Force on creating a Commission implementing act on education and training systems (UOE)

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Background: LLL regulation when approved then start work on the ‘UOE’ implementing act. Inspiration: Output harmonised data source

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Content: I: LLL Council and EP regulation: Already covers quite an extensive number of specifications in annex 1: - the aim - the scope - the subjects to be covered (with meta-data) - the periodicity (annual)

Content: I: LLL Council and EP regulation: ETS WG 24-25/92007 Content: I: LLL Council and EP regulation: Art. 6 says what the implementing measures should cover: a) the selection and specification, of subjects covered by the domains and their characteristics in response to policy or technical needs; b) the breakdowns of characteristics; c) the observation period and deadlines for transmission of results; ca) the quality requirements, including the required precision; cb) the quality reporting framework. It furthermore stipulates when cost benefit analyses should be carried out (significant enlargement of existing data collections) and that the potential burden on educational institutions and individual should be taken into account.

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Content: II: EU policy developments since end of 2005 The Council conclusions from May 2007 - special needs education (now ‘hidden’ in the UOE) - investment in education and training (improvement of UOE finance data) 2) Bologna process?

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Content: III: Study what is already done in the UOE data collection (and described in the manuals) Definitions and concepts Classifications (ISCED) Variable specifications and their breakdowns Observation period Deadlines for transmission of data Quality requirements Timeframe for implementation

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Content: IV: Inspiration from already existing statistical implementing acts Example mentioned: Commission regulation 753/2004 regarding statistics on science and technology statistics

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Task Force mandate: Aim: propose, discuss and agree upon a Commission implementing act on education and training systems. Members: EU Member States plus observers. Meetings: two: March and June 2008 Workload: active participation - Analysis of material collected or presented in relation with the Task Force work

ETS WG 24-25/92007 Points for discussion, decision and approval: ETS delegates are invited to discuss and give their initial reflections regarding the ‘UOE’ implementing act including topics to be covered, the timing and the institutional set-up; to discuss and agree upon the proposed mandate for the Task Force To announce if they would like to participate in the Task Force (can also be done in written)