Agenda Overview Short Story Process Description GeoCoding GeoRouting Alerts Track & Trace Reporting Calculating CO2 emissions
Feature Overview Geo-Services is an add-on that can be enabled on the top of the twCall-Off module in order to: Geo Code the PickUp and Delivery Addresses of each of your call-offs Calculate their distances and transit times on the basis of a specific set of admin parameters (shortest/fastest route, prefer/avoid ferries/motorways,…) Perform simple estimations of ETA based on transit times Extract data of transit time and distances in order to be able to calculate, for example, estimates of CO2 emissions
Short Story When a transport order is created, the system automatically issues geo-coding and geo-routing requests to an external provider, that performs addresses localization, distance and transit time calculation on the basis of Navteq maps The results is then embedded within your call-offs and trace and available also for later reporting. A user based set of alerts will guide you and keep you informed throughout the process
Process Description Although Geo Coding and Geo Routing are almost real time operations, nonetheless the calculations are built in such a way that eventual failures due, for example, to slow connections or non existing routes, will not affect twCall-off performances
GeoCoding Address localization is performed using fuzzy logic search, in order to be robust to misspellings and typing errors To avoid mismatches, a threshold parameter can be setup to discard low quality results
Geo Routing Different parameters can be setup to improve the quality of the chosen route (preferences, shortest/fastest, truck attributes,..)
Alerts In case of discarded results (because of low quality matches and/or no route found), and even when a new address has successfully been geo-coded, you can subscribe to an event manager that will notify you of the incident in order to take proper action
Track & Trace Distance and transit times can be very useful in order to verify track and trace info submitted by carriers
Reporting Reporting capabilities allows extraction of distance and transit time data In combination with the average truck emissions (g/Km), they allow quick estimates of the CO2 emissions due to transportation avg g/Km CO2 avg Kg of CO2
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