Roman Oben Sawyer Twigg Noah Snider Izzy Ray Hitler's youth Roman Oben Sawyer Twigg Noah Snider Izzy Ray
How it started In 1914 of August WW1 young German men used to walk off to war with flowers in their rifle barrels. Hitler's Youth started because Hitler thought the future of Nazi Germany was its children . To children is was as important as school was and the children soon found out what Hitler's expectation was. Hitler's Youth was official on Sunday July 4th, 1926 at a Nazi Rally. When it started Hitler was a Munich- Based only. When Hitler's Youth started It just had a little over 1,000 members. 5 years later the members reached 25,000.
Nazi Rally 1936 These uniforms are what the men wore to the Rally's to honor Hitler.
How many people were involved In 1933 about 50,000 people were involved in Hitler's Youth. By the end of the year it had increased to 2 million and by 1936, 5.4 million. Boys and girls at the age of 10-18 join the organization for four years Education in the Third Reich (Nazi Regime) served to indoctrinate students with the Nation Socialist World view. Nazi scholars and educators glorified Nordic and other "Aryon" race (A racial grouping term). While denigrating Jews and other so called inferior peoples as parasitic "bastard race" incapable of creating culture or civilization. After 1933 the Nazi Regime purer the public school system of teachers deemed to be Jews or to be "politically unreliable". Most Educators ,however, remained in their posts and joined the Nation Socialist Teachers league (The common effort of all people who saw themselves as teachers or wanted to be seen as educators). 97% of all public school teachers , about 300,000 people, had joined the league by 1936. In fact teachers joined the Nazi party in greater numbers than any other profession.
When it ended When the German 6th army division was destroyed, Hitler's youth formed the 12th SS-panzir division Hitlerjugend The division was observed by General Heinz who admired the young troops The group was not involved in very many conflicts until they were released and sent to Caen where British and Canadian troops had landed. The allied troops were surprised at the bravery of the young soldiers even though they were outnumbered. They surrendered to the American 7th Army division At the time of the surrender they only had 455 soldiers and 1 tank Hitler's Youth officially ended on May 7, 1945 following the German surrender and the end of the war in Germany.
12th Ss-panzir division Hitlerjugend Picture of what the uniforms that they would have worn
How it worked Hitler's Youth was a movement of the belief that the future of Nazi Germany was the children. It was seen to be just as important to them as school was. The movement was supposed to make them tough and that the weak would be "chiseled away". Hitler wanted to occupy the children's minds with the thought of this movement. There were separate groups for boys and girls. The kids in the movement varied through ages 10 to 18. The boys tasks/jobs were to prepare for the military, but the girls was to prepare for motherhood. In the classroom, and in the Hitler Youth, instructors aimed to produce race-conscious, obedient, self-sacrificing Germans who would be willing to die for Führer and fatherland. Devotion to Adolf Hitler was a key component of Hitler Youth training. Young German people celebrated his birthday (April 20th) as a national holiday for membership inductions. German adolescents swore allegiance to Hitler and pledged to serve the nation and it's leader as future soldiers