Probing Anderson localization of light via weak non-linear effects Christof Aegerter, Uni Zürich Together with: Tilo Sperling, Wolfgang Bührer, Mirco Ackermann and Georg Maret Waves and Disorder, 08.07.2014
Questions to ponder during the next 40 minutes or so What are generic features of Anderson localization? How can we probe this transition? What happens in the presence of non-linearities? Can we probe the intensity distribution? Can we directly observe localization? What have we learned?
Transmission of a random walk - Resistance in metals L >> l* T ~ l*/L (Ohm´s law) Photons r2 ~ t Same as Drude conductance Turbid medium
"A drunk man will find his way home, but a drunk bird may get lost forever" Polya, (1921)
So there is a transition to localization only in three dimensions Abrahams et al., PRL 42, 673 (1979)
So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization? – enhanced backscattering.
So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization? – enhanced backscattering.
So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization? – enhanced backscattering.
So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization? – enhanced backscattering.
So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization So how does the wave nature of light lead to Anderson localization? – enhanced backscattering.
Now suppose you go inside the sample and you get an interfering mode, which gets enhanced
With decreasing mean free path, these interfering modes will be macroscopically populated...
So what are the resulting experimental consequences? Transition to a breakdown of transmission with disorder Long-time tail in time-resolved total transmission Confinement of the spread of photons in transmission Non-exponential distribution of speckle intensities
Time resolved transmission gives the diffusion coefficient and absorption. D0 /L2 Non-exponential decay indicates D(t) Watson et al. PRL 58, 945 (1987).
Fitting the data with localization theory D(t) ~ 1/t tloc Störzer et al, PRL (2006)
Plot the fitted localization length – yields kl*c = 4.2(2) CMA et al. EPL (2006).
However, titania show non-linear optical properties, mainly due to Kerr effect –this gives Raman scattering Evans et al Opt. Exp. (2013)
Non-linearities are small (<10-5)
They can be seen at long times kl* = 5.7
Intensity dependence does not depend on kl*
Significant spectral broadening at long times – high intensity on long paths kl* = 2.7
At high kl* less to no spectral broadening
How does this fit into the localization picture How does this fit into the localization picture? – remember speckle statistics Hu et al. Nature Phys 4, 945 (2008).
Another way to change turbidity - wavelength dependence of kl*
Spectral dependence also seen in time of flight measurements
Little spectral broadening at high kl*
More spectral broadening at low kl*
So what do we expect to see in TOF data given the non-Rayleigh Intensity distribution and Raman scattering? Hu et al. Nature Phys 4, 945 (2008). Evans et al Opt. Exp. (2013)
Significant spectral broadening at long times – high intensity on long paths kl* = 2.7
This still depends on absorption – can we do better? Hu et al. Nature Phys (2008), Cherroret et al. PRE (2010).
Gated camera with image intensifier – allows for making „movies“ with a time resolution of 500 ps Directly watch the diffusive transport of photons through the sample – measure is independent of absorption!
Time snap-shots of light propagation
kl* = 5.7 gives normal diffusion Sperling et al Nat. Phot. (2013)
Width levels off for kl* = 2.7 Sperling et al Nat. Phot. (2013)
Now we have to make sure that the nonlinearities do not destroy localization Maret et al Nat. Phot. (2013)
Actually in transverse, localization is even enhanced by non-linearities Schwartz et al Nature (2007)
So what can we learn about the transition to localization? Sperling et al Nat. Phot. (2013)
Reminder for the corresponding scales of kl*
So what can we learn about the transition to localization? Sperling et al Nat. Phot. (2013)
Localization length vs. kl* Sperling et al Nat. Phot. (2013)
What have we learned? Long-time tail in time resolved transmission indicates localization of light Non-linear optical properties lead to enhanced spectral shifts in high intensity localized modes Long-time tails as well as spectral shifts show up after a transition with increasing turbidity Direct determination of the spread of photons shows that they are in fact localized Combining this with a tuning of turbidity, the localization transition and critical exponent are characterized
Exponent of increase r2 ~ t r2 = const
Width of the backscattering cone gives kl* directly FWHM = 0.95 (kl*)-1 D0 = vTl*/3 – yields vT Akkermans et al. PRL 56, 1471 (1986).
How to show it's an interference effect How to show it's an interference effect? – Faraday rotation in a magnetic field Faraday effect brakes reciprocity of light propagation..... ...and destroys coherent backscattering Erbacher et al. EPL 21, 551 (1993).
Index-matching gives higher kl* and classical diffusion Aegerter et al. JMO 54, 2667 (2007). Sample R700
Fit the profile with a Gaussian for s
Actually the width even decreases – why could this be?
Characterization of particle size – scanning electron microscopy Sample R700 – diameter 250 nm