Major Academic Plan (MAP) Associate in Arts BA in Women’s & Gender Studies (45 – 52 credits) Women’s & Gender Studies Program College of Arts, Letters, and Education Why study Women’s & Gender Studies? A majority of occupations deal with women as clients, co- workers, students, making it important to gain a deeper insight into how both women’s and men’s lives are affected daily by gender, sexuality, race, class, ethnicity, and social justice. Women’s and Gender Studies offers students an interdisciplinary examination for women’s roles, contributions, history, and experiences as well as a critical study of gender structures in societies and cultures in the U.S. and the world. It uses gender, along with race and class as a category of analysis, helping students investigate the role gender plays in history, literature, art, politics, education, sports, health, and family. Other Degree Options Minor in Women’s Studies Gender Studies Certificate Women’s and Gender Studies Major (45-52 credits) Required Courses (20-22 credits) WMST 101 Introduction to Women’s Studies (5) Or WMST 310 Issues in Women’s Studies CSBS Course CSBS 310 (5), or DSCI 245 (4) WMST 410 Feminist Theory (4) WMST 490 Senior Capstone Seminar (4) WMST 495 Internship (4) Elective Courses (23-25 courses) Students will select 23-25 credits from WGS Course Distribution list to meet the minimum of 45 credits for major. *The Women’s & Gender Studies Major requires the completion of a minor. Department Chair Sally Winkle, Ph.D. 207D Monroe Hall Cheney, WA 99004 509.359.2409 Department Assistant Christi Wavada 207 Monroe Hall Cheney, WA 99004 509.359.2847 Sample Careers Community Organizing Education Non-Profit Organizations Advocacy Social Work
AA-DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE COURSE E.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT WRITTEN COMPOSITION (6 credits) ENGL 101 English Composition (3) ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition and Argument (5) ENGL 102 English Composition (3) ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) ORAL COMMUNICATION (3 credits) COMM 101 Intro to Speech Communication (3) CMST 201 Public Speaking (5) MATHEMATICAL WAYS OF KNOWING (3-5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. SCIENTIFIC WAYS OF KNOWING (8 credits) HUMANISTIC AND ARTISTIC WAYS OF KNOWING (6 credits) SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING (6 credits) INSTITUTIONALLY DESIGNATED (4-6 credits) INTR 250 Integrative Inquiry (3) General Elective Credit (5) ELECTIVES (20-24 credits) *1 semester credit is equal to 1.5 quarter credits. To calculate quarter credits, multiply semester credits by 1.5. The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major programs: Foreign Language Two full years of high school-level or one full year of college-level credit is required for graduation. Cultural Diversity (one course) ANTH225 Native People of North America (3) AIST101 Intro to American Indian Studies (3) COMM220 Intro to Intercultural Communication (3) ENGL 285 American Indian Literature (3) ENGL295 Contemporary U.S. Multicultural Literature (3) HIST240 American Indian History (3) SOC103 Cultural Diversity (3) SOC251 Race and Ethnic Relations (3) International Studies (one course) FLAN207 Contemporary World Cultures (3) HIST131 Latin American History (3) HIST181East Asian History and Culture (3) HIST 210 MUSH163 Survey of World Music (3) PHIL111 World Religions (3) POLS237 International Politics and Problems (3) SOC102 Social Problems (3) SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I (3)