Welcome to the Order of Good Shepherds Celebrating Ministry in the Workplace.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Order of Good Shepherds Celebrating Ministry in the Workplace

Order of Good Shepherds Mission …to recognize, affirm and nurture the connection between employees faith and their ministry in the workplace.

Rules for Living -John Wesley Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.

Order of Good Shepherds G enerosity O utreach S ervice

United Methodist Association members share Wesleyan traditions; wholeness of mind, body and spirit; world-wide inclusiveness; and faith-sharing. The Order of Good Shepherds respects multi-cultural and multi-faith traditions that love God, neighbor and self, and express their beliefs in ministries of healing and caring for all Gods people. Hearing Gods Call to Care Sharing Our Gifts with Others Holding Gods People in Our Hearts

Employees are called to care for others and exercise a variety of gifts.

Your organization will benefit from an Order of Good Shepherds Chapter Enables healing and caring ministries to be Spirit-centered, faith- based and Wesleyan focused Meets the standards of accreditation programs Enhances the quality of care provided to clients Encourages employees to live out their employers vision and mission

Your employees will benefit from an Order of Good Shepherds Chapter Recognizes, affirms and nurtures the call of care and the variety of gifts found in the workplace Offers an opportunity to participate in an ongoing connexion group for self-discovery, education, faith-sharing and service Provides for participation in a national network of people relating their faith to their work

Contact the United Methodist Association for information on how to start an Order of Good Shepherds chapter at your organization. The Order of Good Shepherds is a program of the United Methodist Association of Health & Welfare Ministries 407 Corporate Center Dr., Suite B Vandalia, Ohio Telephone: Fax: Web site: Celebrate Personal Ministry