Welcome to EMS! Home of the wildcats
Meet Your Administrators and counselors Mrs. Klauss Principal Mr. O’Konek Assistant Principal Mr. Sorensen Assistant Principal Mr. Appel Counselor Mrs. Corbin Counselor
THE Wildcat Way Beliefs we live by at EMS Posters in every classroom throughout the school All students are expected to follow the Wildcat Way
Wow Cards Staff members fill them out to recognize students for following the Wildcat Way WOW Cards are mailed home to parents Grade level receiving the most WOW Cards each month will have 10 student names drawn to win prizes
Mini WOws Staff members hand them out to reward positive behavior Students can spend Mini Wows like money Mini Wow table will be available every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time Many items to choose from including candy, school supplies, and prize drawings
Counseling Center Academic support Friendship problems Bullying concerns Schedule or class placement questions Personal or family issues Binder checks / help with organization College & Career Center http://emscounselingcenter.weebly.com
GET INVOLVED! Clubs & Activities 7th and 8th Grade Sports Drama Club Yearbook National Junior Honor Society Code Club Art Club Chess Club Math Team Archery Club Equality Club Safety Patrol Jazz Choir 7th and 8th Grade Sports Fall – Football, Cross Country, & Volleyball Winter 1 - Boys Basketball & Dance Team Winter 2 - Girls Basketball & Wrestling Spring - Track, Softball, & Baseball
Ems rocks! Pep Assemblies Spirit Days Fun Fridays College & Career Night FUN RUN Staff vs. Students Basketball Game STEM Night Wear College Gear on Mondays! Wear Red & Black on Fridays!