Assignment Read pages D-16-21. Define -Asexual reproduction -Clone -Mutation -Budding -Sexual reproduction Fertilization Answer Stopping to Think 1-3 using complete sentences Answer all of analysis question 1.
Asexual Reproduction One organism making exact copies of itself.
Stopping to Think 1 In asexual reproduction of a bacterial cell, is it clear which cell is the parent and which is the offspring? It is not clear which cell is the parent because they are genetically identical.
Clone Identical offspring of asexual reproduction. Clones
Mutation A random change that occurs in an offspring; can cause offspring to have a different trait from the parent. (This is not a real mutation)
Budding Process in which a small new organism grows directly out from the parent’s body.
Stopping to Think 2 Your friend tells you, “Only single-celled organisms reproduce asexually. After all, how could a multicellular organism do that?” How do you respond to your friend? Some multicellular organisms can reproduce asexually through a process called budding.
Sexual Reproduction Reproduction by two parents.
Fertilization When a sperm cell and egg cell unite.
Stopping to Think 3 “Fraternal twins” result when two eggs are both fertilized by sperm cells, and both develop into offspring. Why are identical twin much more similar than fraternal twins? Identical twins are more similar because they are formed from one sperm and one egg instead of two sperm and two eggs.