Protestant Reformation
Christian Humanism Erasmus Wrote Praise of Folly Promoted Philosophy of Christ Christianity should educate people on how to live day by day Wrote Praise of Folly Criticized parts of society that needed reform
Corruption Corruption ran rampant in the Christian Church in the middle ages. Indulgences – certificate issued by the Church that reduced or cancelled punishment for sins. Some corrupt salesmen said Indulgences would relieve them of guilt for future sins.
Martin Luther Born in 1483, in Eisleben, Saxony (Germany) Middle-class family, Law school
Luther Joined monastery after almost hit by lightning Very troubled monk guilty feeling Read St. Paul to the Romans “He who through faith is righteous shall live” Interpreted this as people are good through faith (in God’s mercy and love) Known as Justification by Faith Luther felt “born again” – no more guilt
Path to a New Religion Wittenberg, Germany 1517 95 Theses Criticized the Church for indulgences and other practices The Theses were quickly published and distributed Result = Indulgence sales dropped.
Reaction 1520 – Pope condemns Luther, banned his works 1521 – Luther is excommunicated Diet of Worms (council of German Princes that met in Worms Germany) – They asked Luther to take back his teachings, but he refused to recant
He was taken into hiding at a castle in Wartburg where he translated the New Testament of the Bible into German.
Lutheranism * Salvation by Faith alone * Bible is the only source of religious truth * preaching rather than ritual * Language of the people, not Latin * Church was not a hierarchy, but a community * Vocations – callings to serve God and neighbor
Calvinism Following Lutheranism, Switzerland begins to take part in the Reformation via Calvinism. Founder = John Calvin Reformer in Swiss city of Geneva Calvin studied theology, law, and humanism as a youth. Developed own Protestant theology 1526-publishes Institute of the Christian Religion Gives him popularity as a leader
Calvin’s Beliefs God was all powerful Controlled every aspect of Past, Present, and Future Predestination - God determined fate of every person
City of God Transformed Geneva into ideal religious theocratic city Consistory – council of 12 elders that controlled almost every aspect of citizen’s lives
Regulations SPread Required attendance at multiple church services a week Homes were inspected regularly Fighting, swearing, drunkenness, gambling etc. were all against the law. Strict punishments were handed out for rules violations Missionaries trained in Geneva sent out to spread the word Strongest followers in the Netherlands and Scotland By mid 1500s, Calvinism surpasses Lutheranism in importance
The Church of England (Anglicanism) King Henry VIII Wanted to divorce his 1st wife, Catherine of Aragon because she could not give him a son The Pope at the time would not let him annul (make invalid) his marriage Result = Henry went around the Pope and achieves annulment through his own English church courts 1534 Act of Supremacy States that the King is the head of the Church of England
The Church of England (Anglicanism) Many consider the Anglican church to be “open-minded” Ex. = women can be ordained as priests The Queen of England still is considered to be the Supreme Head of the Church
Anabaptists Did not like the state’s power over religion Believed in separation of church and state Believed that the church was a “voluntary community” in which everyone was equal Everyone was considered to be priests Chose their own leader Ridiculed/ persecuted by other religions