Associate Director, VA Center for Women Veterans Updates and Insights from VA’s Center for Women Veterans PA Women Veterans Symposium “Strength, Resilience and Renewal” Dr. Betty Moseley Brown Associate Director, VA Center for Women Veterans June 7, 2014
Who Knew?
That this Marine…
Would Serve Over 2.2 Million Living Women Veterans
Agenda VA, CWV & WVP Overview Women Veterans Demographics/History Challenges Faced by Women Veterans VA Initiatives to Address Challenges Health Care for Women Veterans Population and Utilization Comprehensive Primary Care Reproductive Health Initiatives Accomplishments Benefits for Women Veterans
VA, CWV & WVP Overview 5/2013
Congressional Mandate November 1994, Public Law 103-446 required VA to create The Center for Women Veterans, to monitor and coordinate VA programs for women
Our Mission Monitor and coordinate VA’s administration of health care and benefits services, and programs for women Veterans. Serve as an advocate for a cultural transformation (both within VA and in the general public) in recognizing the service and contributions of women Veterans and women in the military. Raise awareness of the responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect.
Collaborative Emphasis External Partnerships Women Veterans Program VHA VBA + CWV NCA Women Veterans Program: CWV leads in the collaboration and coordination with VA’s three Administrations (VHA, VBA, NCA), and Staff Offices’ on the delivery of benefits and services to women through the Women Veterans Program. Collaborative Partnerships: CWV aggressively liaisons with other Federal agencies, state, local, and other external partners to build understanding of how we can collaborate to assist women Veterans. 11/23/2018
Demographics and History Source: America’s Women Veterans: Military Service History and VA Benefits Utilization Statistics, Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, Nov. 23, 2011; 5/2013
Demographics and History Current Women Veterans Demographics PA has 79,666 women Veterans! Women are one of the fastest growing subpopulations of Veterans. Based on active duty and recruiting numbers, the percentage of women Veterans is projected to increase. 2,271,222 million women Veterans of the 21,972,964 million living Veterans, (VetPop as of 9/30/13) –10.4 percent of the total Veterans population. By 2020, they are estimated to be 12.4 percent the total Veterans populations. Median female Veteran’s age is 49 (male – 64, as of 9/30/12).
Percentage of Women Veterans by Period of Military Service Most female Veterans alive today served during the Gulf War II and during peacetime. The largest peace- time period since the advent of the All-Volunteer Force was from May 1975 to July 1990. Large proportions of female Veterans also served during the Gulf War Era. Note: Periods of military service shown here are coded with women who have multiple periods of service being placed into their most recent period of service. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey PUMS, 2011 Prepared by the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics
Percentage of Women by Age Distribution and Veteran Status The lowest percentage of female Veterans is in the youngest age group, 17- to 24-year-old. These are the ages when most women would still be serving in the military and would not yet have become Veterans. The median age of female Veterans is 49 and female non-Veterans is 47 in 2011. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey PUMS, 2011 Prepared by the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics Note: There was no statistical significant difference between female veterans and non-Veterans in the age 25- to 34-year-old group.
Challenges Faced by Women Veterans and VA Initiatives 5/2013
Challenges Faced by Women Veterans Are unaware of their Veterans status; they often do not self identify as Veterans. Do not apply for VA’s benefits and services, since they are not aware that they are Veterans. Are sometimes limited in access to VA’s gender-specific care and use fee based care and contracts. Experience a lack of child care options, which limit their ability to make appointments at VA, to acquire gainful employment and to pursue educational goals. Exhibit lower utilization of VA. Experience lack of transportation to and from appointments.
VA Initiatives to Address Challenges Web site and social media. Collaboration with federal, state, local and external partners. Health care: Child care. Non-VA care/coordination of care. Transportation. Research related to VA health care. Benefits: Hiring/employment initiatives. Memorial Affairs: Expanding access: outreach to women Veterans. Expanding access: funeral directors resource kit.
Health Care for Women Veterans 5/2013
Population and Utilization Over 2.2 million women Veterans in the U.S. Over 390,000 utilized Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care services in FY 2013. Women Veterans using VHA services have been increasing 7% per year which results in a 60% growth of women Veterans using VHA between FY 2009 and FY 2015. Care provided to women Veterans at 151 medical centers and 985 outpatient clinics. Age distribution of women Veteran patients, FY01 and FY10 Source: Women’s Health Evaluation Initiative and VHA Women’s Health Services. Sourcebook: Women Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration. Volume 2. Sociodemographics and Use of VHA and Non-VA Care Fee. 2012.
Health Care and More
Where to Get Help: Women Veterans Call Center A call center aimed at increasing women Veterans' knowledge, enrollment, and utilization of VA services available to women Veterans Outgoing call center provides women Veterans with information on VA health care services, benefits and eligibility Incoming call center, 1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636), receives and responds to questions from Veterans, their families and caregivers about the many VA services and resources available to women Veterans The incoming arm of the WVCC was launched April 23, 2013 and focuses on receiving and responding to questions from women Veterans, their families, and caregivers across the nation about available VA services and resources. WVCC representatives are informed about eligibility, benefits, health care and other services, and can route calls within VA when needed. Agents are also trained to respond to crisis situations such as suicidal behavior, homelessness, sexual trauma, and domestic violence. 5/2013
Where to Get Help: Women Veterans Program Manager At each VA Medical Center nationwide, a Women Veterans Program Manager is designated to advise and advocate for women Veterans, and coordinate all the services they need Visit the Women Veterans Program Manager (WVPM) at the closest facility. To identify your closest WVPM, call 1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636) Women Veterans Program Manager (WVPM) At each VA Medical Center nationwide, a Women Veterans Program Manager is designated to advise and advocate for women Veterans, and coordinate all the services they need 5/2013
Advocating Cultural Transformation 5/2013
My Favorites…
Advocating Cultural Transformation Culture Change through Communications: Culture Change through Training: Women’s Health Services is leading a VA-wide communication initiative to enhance the language, practice and culture of VA to be more inclusive of women Veterans. CWV partnered with VALU to create the Training Module “Serving Women Veterans” for VA staff. 1,467 VA Staff completed Serving Women Veterans Course Veterans Advocacy and Awareness eLearning Suite: Military Cultural Awareness Outreach Connecting with Veterans Serving Women Veterans 11/23/2018
Joint VA/DoD web portal Available 24/7 3.6 Million users 24% of total registered users are women Accessed in over 180 countries Available to all Veterans, Servicemembers, and dependents over 18 Thousands of useful links through the National Resource Directory Easy registration Mobile access to popular features Promotional materials available on the site
Women’s History Month 2014: VA’s Twitter Town Hall Character, Courage & Commitment, VA focused the month on “Women Veterans Make History” Led March 2014 Women’s History Month events Coordinated White House Women Veteran Leader Champions of Change Event Led VBA-hosted Twitter Town Hall with Women Veterans #’s of followers – The three Twitter accounts participating in the event have over 218,000 followers. @DeptVetAffairs 147,000 @VeteransHealth 39,500 @VAVetBenefits 31,500
Did You Know?
How to Contact the Center Staff Members: Ms. Elisa Basnight, JD, MPA Dr. Betty Moseley Brown Desiree Long Shannon Middleton Michelle Terry Address: Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Women Veterans (00W) 810 Vermont Ave., NW Washington, DC 20420 Phone: 202-461-6193 Fax: 202-273-7092 Website: Email: