Aim: How are weather maps created?
I. Weather Maps: show the current state of the atmosphere and are used to forecast future conditions.
Why would meteorologist use station models to represent data on a map? A. Station Models: Page 13 ESRT - Symbols on a weather map that indicate many different types of data for one location. Why would meteorologist use station models to represent data on a map?
B. Isotherms: - lines that connect points of equal air temperature.
C. Isobars: - lines that connect points of equal air pressure. - show centers of high and low pressure High pressure has high numbers at it center Low pressure has low numbers at it center
II. Rules for Drawing Isolines: 1. Isolines do not touch or cross. 2. Isolines tend to run parallel to each other. 3. Isolines form closed loops or run off the page.
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