ERP Implementation PCB Case Study Team 2 Con Buckley Dave Kirwan Donal Mangan John OConnell Ron ODonovan Brendan OSullivan
The Process Customer Master File Product File Quotation Price Book Config Data Sales Lead DB Invoice Order Sales Order AdminManufacturing Product Shipping Customer A/cs Rec Product
Analysis Method Investigate the needs of the sales people (intereviews and questionnaires) –Lead Data fields –Useful extra data for sales purposes (e.g. recent customer purchases, requests, etc) Talk to Senior Mgmt Sales –What info do they need in order to approve orders? –How can sales approval be streamlined? Investigate customer requirements for quotations –Select one or two customers and get feedback on current system, and suggested inclusions for quotation format Investigate Finance Requirements –Look at ways of improving existing system Develop prototype interface to test functionality and benefit –Get sales to test inputs and lead outputs –Modify format, information, and interface per feedback
Outputs Lead Form Customer Name: Address: Prod Details: Current Promotions Features Stock Info By: Date: Recent Sales info: Orders in last year Complaints Received Sales comments Quotation Customer Name: Address: Order Product Details: No. of processors Output options Slot length Itemized breakdown: Total price + VAT Delivery Details: By: Date: Order Customer Name: Address: Order Product Details: Product no. # No. of processors Output options Slot length Total price + VAT Delivery Details: Sold By: Approved By: Booked By: Date: Invoice Customer Name: Address: Invoice no: Order Product Details: No. of processors Output options Slot length Total price + VAT Sold By: Due Date: Payment Details: Date: Payment Status Form Customer Name: Address: Invoice no: Total price + VAT Sold By: Due Date: Payment Details: Status: A/cs resp: Date: Sales Report Analyses Profit Product Customer Area Segment
The case for ERP Single Point of Data Entry (sales) Integration of existing data and systems Automates process, and minimises repetition Single system platform Opportunity to improve the process –Allows us improve sales information on customers –Allows us automate and streamline sales/quote/order/invoice –Provides authorising mgrs more information –Consolidates all sales information
Next? Develop prototype outputs and refine Consult with system integrator, IT specialist, and vendors on feasability Develop specification with user, system integration, and specialist input Resources required: –User representative from each area (Finance, Sales, and Manufacturing) –In-house IT team (functional analyst, developer and DB Admin) –Core project team comprising myself, Bill Quinn, Finance rep, and IT rep –Systems integration support (contract support) –Vendor support (H/W and S/W) –Steering Group (Jim Flaherty, Pauline Sanders, and CIO)