Common Formative Assessment Galileo/AzMERIT Sample January 23, 2018
Ticket In *Use the Winter Galileo data to find your area of strength and area of growth when teaching OA/NBT or RL standards
Partner Feedback *Buddy buzz with your shoulder partner about Winter Galileo data *As you are giving feedback: Do you see any common standards for areas of strength and growth?
Objective/TAP Connection By the end of Clusters, teachers will implement common formative assessment process by analyzing Galileo data and using information to reteach during WIN TAP Connection: TKS teacher practices display understanding of each student anticipated learning difficulties Assessment: Include descriptions of how assessment results will be used to inform future instruction
Preview of Lesson Ticket In New Learning *re-teach instruction for WIN (Galileo) Develop/Apply *plan for re-teach instruction WIN *analyze AzMERIT sample test Ticket Out
Galileo Data drive instruction for WIN New Learning Use this data to drive our instruction , specifically WIN
Galileo Data drive instruction for WIN New Learning Use this data to drive our instruction , specifically WIN
Who needs Re-teach during WIN? 4OA1 Represent verbal statements of communicative comparison... 4RL5 Explain the overall structure/differences poetry, drama, and prose Helpful Hint: Highlight P and HP since reteach Highlight M and PP students
What am I going to Reteach During WIN? 4OA1 Represent verbal statements of communicative comparison... 4RL5 Explain the overall structure/differences poetry, drama, and prose WIN- time to reteach skills that our students need. What are my other students doing? Practicing essential standard of fluency (at level books with discussion/questions)
What will Proficient and HP students do during WIN? One Thought One Thought- Look at your students and create a reading group to enhance essential standard of fluency (discussion questions with Kagan Fan N Pick)
Why Math Galileo now? Grade 4 2016-17 2017-18
Why ELA Galileo now? Grade 4 2016-17 2017-18
Develop and Apply Choice: *Plan for Re-teach WIN *Analyze AzMERIT sample by entering data in Google doc
Write the standard you will be working on during WIN this week Ticket Out Write the standard you will be working on during WIN this week What will your students be doing in WIN this week? (reteach & P/HP) Team chooses the essential standard being taught *Team creates common formative assessment and focuses instruction (backward design) *Chose day to give assessment *Meet together and analyze student results *Small group instruction for students who did not master skills on CFA