What makes for an Effective Mini-Lesson? Jeff Ryan, University of South Florida
1) Important Content The topic is important to address in the geoscience course/discipline being targeted. Content is rigorous, but pitched appropriately to the course level and intended audience. For MARGINS: Lessons should seek to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the modern geosciences.
2) Effective Instructional Approaches Clearly stated and reasonable learning goals. Engaging and appropriate instructional strategies: See http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/instructionalmethod.html#teaching for many successful options
3) Active Engagement Students participate actively in the learning process Hands-on measurements and/or examinations of data Working with real data Working “without a net”
4) Encouraging Higher-Order Thinking Include questions/activities that require application, analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation of information. Permit time for reflection (it’s important to ponder!) Include discussion/debate as part of the activity
5) Good Assessment Strategies Assessments should be aligned with learning goals, i.e., you should measure that which you seek to accomplish. Measures and standards should be straightforward and clear Qualitative vs. Quantitative? (see learning goals…) Assessment results should inform future approaches (formative evaluation), as well as provide a measure of instructional success (summative evaluation)
6) Transportability The resource should be readily usable/adaptable to other classrooms at other institutions. Frontpage descriptions permit instructors to select effectively for their particular class audiences. Content and resources provided should be self-explanatory and clear to a college student!