COST ACTION FA1204 MEETING AGENDA COST ACTION FA1204 Vegetable Grafting to Improve Yield and Fruit Quality under Biotic and Abiotic Stress Conditions Aims of the meeting in Athens • setting a more detailed work plan for the implementation of the objectives of the COST Action FA1204, • providing the opportunity to WG leaders and other specialists to present the state of the art, outline further research needs, and give an outlook in the scientific field covered by each workgroup. CHAIR MEETING AGENDA Dr Giuseppe Colla University of Tuscia, Department DAFNE Email: Monday 11th March Vegetable Grafting to Improve Yield and Fruit Quality under Biotic and Abiotic Stress Conditions 9:00-9:30 Welcome and Introduction-Chair 9:30-9:45 Website/dissemination activities-Editor 9:45-10:00 STSMs – Coordinator 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-12:00 Session WGs leader presentations 12:00-13:00 Lunch Break 13:00-15:00 Session 1 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30-17:30 Session 2 17:30-19:00 MC meeting VICE CHAIR Dr Francisco Perez Alfocea Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Email: 1st Meeting (MC-WGs) 11th to 12th March Laboratory of Vegetable Crops Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) HOST INSTITUTION Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) Tuesday 12th March 8:30-10:30 Session 3 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-13:00 Session 4 13:00-14:00 Discussions and conclusions 14.00-15.00: Lunch
COST ACTION FA1204 Vegetable Grafting to Improve Yield and Fruit Quality under Biotic and Abiotic Stress Conditions AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (AUA) ACCOMMODATION The local organizers have negotiated special prices in the following hotels: AUA is the 3rd oldest university in Greece. Since 1920, it has been making valuable contributions to Greek and European agricultural and economic development, by conducting basic and applied research in the agricultural sciences, and by producing high quality graduates as well as cutting edge scientific knowledge. According to the list of Microsoft for the top Organizations in agricultural science, AUA ranks at 35 position with an H-index of 28: ( Hotel Prices (€) E-mail/websites for booking ARETHOUSA 6-8, Mitropoleos Str., Athens Center Single room: 40 Double room: 60 ELECTRA HOTEL 5, Ermou Str., 70 80 ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL 18-20, N. Nikodimou Str., 90 100 TITANIA HOTEL Panepistimiou Str. 52 , Fax: (+30210)330-0700 GENERAL INFORMATION Information on the objectives of the Action, the working groups (WG), and the tasks of each WG can be found at: HOW TO REACH THE WORKSHOP VENUE KEY DATES Registration deadline: 02/15/2013 Submission of abstracts (up to 200 words): Deadline: 02/15/2013 Send your abstract to: The best means to reach the workshop venue at AUA, is Metro. Participants staying at Titania Hotel have to take the Metro train (Line 2, red line) at Station ‘Panepistimio’ towards “Agios Dimitrios”, change at the next station (Syntagma) to Line 3 (blue Line) towards “Egaleo” and get off at Metro stop ‘Keramikos’, exit “Odos Konstantinopoleos” – then walk to the University from here (10-15 minutes). Participants staying at Electra Hotel, Electra Pallas Hotel, and Arethusa Hotel, can take Metro, Line 3 (blue Line) towards “Egaleo”, directly at the central Metro station (Syntagma). The time you need from your Hotel to the University is around 20 - 25 minutes if you stay at Electra Hotel, Electra Pallas Hotel and Arethusa Hotel, and around 30 min if you stay at Titania Hotel. WORKSHOP VENUE AND LOCATION Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) Central Building, 2nd floor, Conference center LOCAL ORGANIZERS Associate Professor Dimitrios Savvas Ms. Georgia Ntatsi Please reserve your room yourself by contacting the hotel directly (via e-mail or Fax) and mention the keywords “GRAFTING COST Action” to get the special rates. ORGANIZER SECRETARY Mr. Andreas Ropokis