PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. -Offset: S CHAPTER 008-i
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. Offset mm Cover bottomCover top Aluminium tape Draw the template of the cover bottom and cut toward EXTERNAL.
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a mm Cover top Cover bottom Copy the template and to cut on the contrary: toward the INTERIOR. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 3 Cut the walls and make the male fit before to glue. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 4 Glue Glue all the sides cut at 45º Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 5 Aluminium tape External face Unite the four sides with aluminum tape for the exterior. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 6 Glue Internal face Rotate the duct in position with the interior face up. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a Close the piece following the order. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 8 3 Close the piece following the order. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 9 4 Close the piece following the order. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 9 Close the piece following the order. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a Close the piece following the order. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a Close the piece following the order. Offset
PIRALU Pre-Insulated aluminium panels Poliuretanos, s.a. 12 Aluminium tapePressing Silicon inside To press, to tape, to clip and to make the male. Offset