Feb. Week 3
Tues. & Wed.: Feb. 16-17 MCA Days Keep your answers in your English notebook to the MCA readings from Tuesday and Wednesday. You will chart your progress each day. Tues. & Wed.: Feb. 16-17 MCA Days
Tuck Everlasting: excerpt by Natalie Babbit Group Practice Read story aloud, pp. 27-28 Answer questions in the following sections on a separate sheet of paper: * Comprehension * Maze * Vocabulary
The Adventures of the Black Cowboys: excerpt by Philip Durham and Everett L. Jones Independent Practice Read story Pp. 33-34 Answer questions in the following sections on a separate sheet of paper: * Comprehension * Maze * Vocabulary
The Taste of Blackberries: excerpt by Doris Buchanan Smith Independent Practice Read story Pp. 39-40 Answer questions in the following sections on a separate sheet of paper: * Comprehension * Maze * Vocabulary
How to Lasso a Shark: excerpt William B. McMorris Independent Practice Read story Pp. 44-45 Answer questions in the following sections on a separate sheet of paper: * Comprehension * Maze * Vocabulary
J.T.: excerpt Jane Wagner Independent Practice Read story Pp. Answer questions in the following sections on a separate sheet of paper: * Comprehension * Maze * Vocabulary
Graphing Your Results Speed– How long did it take you to read? Maze: Cloze Reading for Word Choice Vocabulary: Meanings of words in context Comprehension: Overall understanding of text
Thursday, Feb. 18: TBD Complete MCA practice readings if needed Check-in on reading progress for novel TBD
Friday Quiet reading day for literature circle novel in English class