WRL Provision at Neatherd Programmes delivered / co-ordinated by the careers team
Plan: I have highlighted sustainable programs which are led / deliver by the careers team every year For our Career Mark application we did draw upon the wide range of activities which happen in school but I have not covered them here i.e. Brilliant Club, the work of our STEM Ambassadors, student responsibilities, authors speaking to students about their work etc. If you find any of this of use, feel free to contact me at robert_hodges@neatherd.org
Post 16 Options Evening
Apprenticeship Event
Yr11 interview Day
SLT Interviews The purpose of the interviews is threefold: Are students on track to meet their target grades, based on recent report data (attainment and AtL). If not, what are they doing about it? Have students planned their revision for the mocks and started doing it? Are students clear about their post-16 plans and are they actively working towards these?
Record of Achievement Folders
Business Breakfast
Careers Appointments
Collapsed Timetable Days
UEA Medicine Programme
Curriculum Delivery
Work Experience
Takeover Day
Careers Assemblies Examples…..