Chapter 3 Review Human Body Systems
Category: Protecting the Body What is a pathogen? A micro-organism that causes disease.
Category: Respiratory System Explain how we inhale? The rib muscles and diaphragm contract (flattens), increasing the volume of the chest cavity and decreasing the pressure. This forces air into the lungs.
How are the circulatory and respiratory systems linked? Category: Systems Working Together How are the circulatory and respiratory systems linked? The circulatory system delivers the oxygen acquired by the respiratory system. It also brings carbon dioxide waste back to the lungs so that it can be exhaled.
What are the names of the four chambers of the heart? Category: Circulatory System What are the names of the four chambers of the heart? Right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle.
Which chambers of the heart contain oxygenated blood? Category: Circulatory System Which chambers of the heart contain oxygenated blood? Left atrium, left ventricle.
What is the function of the large intestine? Category: Digestive System What is the function of the large intestine? To reabsorb water and where fibre and other undigested materials are stored.
Category: Digestive System What chemical does the liver produce to help digest fats? Where is this chemical stored? Bile, stored in the gall bladder.
Category: Digestive System What three organs are involved with digestion, but not part of the pathway food goes through? Pancreas, Gall bladder, Liver
Category: Protecting the Body Give three examples of barriers that are part of the body’s first line of defense against invaders. Any of: skin (acidic), nostrils (hair), ears (wax), eyes (tears), lining of mouth/nose/trachea (mucus and cilia), acid in stomach
Category: Respiratory System What is the trachea? A hard, ridged tube that leads air to the lungs.
What type of blood vessel contains valves? Why? Category: Circulatory System What type of blood vessel contains valves? Why? Veins contain valves so that blood cannot flow backwards as it loses pressure.
What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Category: Respiratory System What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Breathing is the regular movement of air into and out of the lungs, while respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of the bloodstream and tissues.
How do white blood cells protect our body from invaders? Category: Protecting the Body How do white blood cells protect our body from invaders? After a chemical released by the invader causes white blood cells to be attracted to the area, they engulf and digest the invaders.
What is the name of structure #8? Category: Respiratory System What is the name of structure #8? Left Lung
What are the tiny tubules in the kidneys called? Category: Excretory System What are the tiny tubules in the kidneys called? Nephrons
Category: Protecting the Body What is an antigen? A chemical produced by a pathogen which signals our body to make antibodies.
What is the name of structure #6? Category: Respiratory System What is the name of structure #6? Bronchus (plural: bronchi)
Category: Excretory System What waste product is produced by the excretory system? Where is it stored? How does it leave the body? Urine is produced and stored in the bladder and leaves out the urethra.
Why are ventricles more muscular than atria? Category: Circulatory System Why are ventricles more muscular than atria? They must pump blood much farther than the atria (to distant tissues).
What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs? Category: Respiratory System What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs? Alveoli
What is the body’s third line of defense? Category: Protecting the Body What is the body’s third line of defense? The immune system
What is the path of food through the digestive system? Category: Digestive System What is the path of food through the digestive system? Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus.
Starting with the right atrium, what is the path of blood? Category: Circulatory System Starting with the right atrium, what is the path of blood? Right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta, artery, body cells, veins, vena cava, right atrium, repeat.
What are chemicals that help speed up digestion called? Category: Digestive System What are chemicals that help speed up digestion called? Enzymes
Does the indicated chamber pump oxygenated or deoxygenated blood? Category: Circulatory System Does the indicated chamber pump oxygenated or deoxygenated blood? Deoxygenated (it is being sent to the lungs to become oxygenated).
What is the function of the epiglottis? Category: Respiratory System What is the function of the epiglottis? It covers the opening of the trachea when you swallow so that food cannot enter the lungs.
What structure carries urine down to the bladder? Category: Excretory System What structure carries urine down to the bladder? The ureter (plural: ureters)
Category: Respiratory System What nutrient does the respiratory system supply to the body? What waste does it remove? Nutrient: oxygen. Waste: carbon dioxide.
Category: Protecting the Body Give an example of a way that a pathogen can enter the body without encountering the first two lines of defense. Any of: drinking contaminated water, eating contaminated food, insect bites.
What is the function of an artery? Category: Circulatory System What is the function of an artery? To carry blood away from the heart.
What is a sign that the body’s second line of defense is working? Category: Protecting the Body What is a sign that the body’s second line of defense is working? Production of pus.
What is the function of structure #6? Category: Digestive System What is the function of structure #6? Majority of digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.
How does oxygen enter the bloodstream from the alveoli? Category: Respiratory System How does oxygen enter the bloodstream from the alveoli? By diffusion (it moves from an area where it is in high concentration – the lungs, to an area in lower concentration – bloodstream.
What is the body’s second line of defense against invaders? Category: Protecting the Body What is the body’s second line of defense against invaders? White blood cells.
What is the name of the indicated structure? Category: Circulatory System What is the name of the indicated structure? Left ventricle
What are two ways that we can become immune to a pathogen? Category: Protecting the Body What are two ways that we can become immune to a pathogen? By producing our own antibodies after being exposed to the pathogen, or by receiving a vaccination.