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Follow-ups and Excluded Exits: getting the best performance possible Presenters: Joshua Wadsworth Postell Carter
Agenda SCSEP Performance Measures Excluded Exits What Triggers a follow-up Tracking When Follow-ups are due What information is required for follow-ups Best Practices to improve follow-ups Questions
SCSEP Performance Measures Entered Employment, Retention and Average Earnings
Entered Employment Rate Definition: The number of participants who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of all included participant exits during the same quarter. PY2016 Goal = 50%
Entered Employment Rate Formula: Total number of participants employed in the first quarter after the exit Total number of adult participants who “exit” during the quarter
Entered Employment Example: 6 participants exited the program 3 were confirmed for employment in the first quarter after exit Entered Employment Rate = 3 ÷ 6 = 50%
Employment Retention Rate Definition: Retention in Unsubsidized Employment for Six Months. Of those who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter: the number of participants who are employed in both the second and third quarters after the exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exit during the quarter.
Employment Retention Rate Of the Participants that confirmed entered employment in Quarter 1 Were they still working 6 months later? PY 2016 Goal = 73%
Employment Retention Rate What we know about Retention: The relationship we build with participants over time contributes to success of this measure. Employment Retention begins with good Individual Employment Plans (IEP), which leads to good job matches
Average Earnings Definition: Of those participants who are employed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters after the exit quarter: The total earnings in the second quarter plus the total earnings in the third quarter divided by the number of participants who exited during the quarter.
Average Earnings Definition Continued: This measure only looks at those individuals who are included in the retention measure. PY2016 Goal = $7,800
Number of participants who exit during the quarter Average Earnings Formula: For participants employed in Q1, Q2 and Q3 after exit: Total earnings in Q2, plus total earnings in Q3 Number of participants who exit during the quarter
Retention at One Year Of the Participants that confirmed entered employment in Quarter 1 after exit Were they still working in the 4th quarter after exit?
Why are these measures important? Common Measures, Entered Employment, Retention and Average Earnings help compare SCSEP with WIOA and other Workforce Programs. Is SCSEP Effective?
Why Now? As we approach the end of the program year, follow-up activity must be completed to get credit for PY16. Must be entered in SPARQ before the final Year-End Close, which will be in September.
Exclusions Participants who exit for certain reasons are excluded from the formulas used to determine the performance measures
Exclusions EER, is impacted by unsubsidized exits (in the numerator) and by total number and type of exits (in the denominator) Certain exits are excluded from the Performance Measures Exclusions increase the Entered Employment Rate
Exclusions are Important SSAI remains well below the average of National Grantees in EER, Average Earnings and Retention. SSAI has the lowest percentage of excluded exits of any National Grantee even though our number of unsubsidized exits per authorized slot is similar. Not documenting Exclusions hurts our performance in the common measures.
Exclusions are Important Continuing to get your UE - AND Documenting Excluded Exits is Critical to improving EER, Earnings and Retention Exclusions Can be documented at exit or during follow-up
Exclusions include: Health or medical reasons Family has health or medical reasons Institutionalized, or Deceased Over income is not an exclusion Voluntary exits are not exclusions
Exclusions 1.) Health or medical reasons Participant’s health prevents them from working Expected to last for at least 90 days Approved breaks for health beyond policy Probe for more information when a participant wants to ‘resign’ or exit ‘voluntarily’
What If…. What if a participant exits for health, but you later find out they are working? Could qualify for Entered Employment if the employment occurred within the first 90 days after the participant’s exit. If so, Change exit reason in file and SPARQ Capture EER
Exclusions 3.) Institutionalized 2.) Family has health or medical reasons Participant is caregiver for an ill family member Expected to last for at least 90 days 3.) Institutionalized Nursing home, jail, mental health or substance abuse facility Expected to remain for at least 90 days
Exclusions 4.) Deceased Participant dies while on the program or during the follow-up period Check obituaries Emergency contacts
Exclusions Excluded exits are removed from the denominator of the EER calculation Exclusions are listed on the Exit Forms Documented through self-attest or 3rd party self-attest (forms on SSAI Partner’s Page) Check Data Validation Handbook for required documentation
Documenting Exclusions Is Easy One Self Attest Form for 3 of the Excluded Exit Types 3 separate self attest forms for the 3 Excluded Exit Types Third Party Attest Form for all 4 Excluded Exit Types Check Data Validation Handbook for required documentation
What If…. What if a participant is on LWOP for Health, Family Care or Institutionalized and was unable to return by the agreed upon time and was exited for cause? Could qualify for an Exclusion rather than an exit for cause If sufficient documentation was obtained Change exit reason in file and SPARQ If insufficient documentation at the time of LWOP or exit, can still document Exclusion After exit
Let’s Take Some Questions/Comments Raise Your Hand to Confer by Phone or Send Us a Note
What triggers a follow-up? Policy 500.G Once a participant exits the SCSEP program, the project sponsor must carry out at least one follow up to Capture Entered Employment For participants that remain employed at least 2 additional follow-up activities are required to ensure that the performance measures of Average Earnings, and Retention are appropriately credited.
Three Follow Ups Follow Up Captures Performance for Activity Period Covered Reporting Period Suggested Scheduled Follow –Up date 1 Entered Employment 1st quarter after exit 1st quarter after exit quarter 1st day of 1st quarter after exit quarter 2 Retention and Earnings 2nd and 3rd quarter after exit quarter 4th quarter after exit quarter 1st day of 4th quarter after exit quarter. 3 Retention at 1 Year
SPARQ Follow-up Reports
SPARQ Follow-up Reports Pending Follow-ups Sorted alphabetically by the participant’s name Pending Follow-ups, Displayed by Quarter (recommended view) Grouped by follow-up scheduled date, then alphabetically by the participant’s name
SPARQ Follow-up Reports Report Output Options: Print report from SPARQ Export report into Excel Tip – How often? Check your follow-up report monthly
Follow-Up 1 Credit for Entered Employment Follow-up #1 focuses on the entered employment rate and employer customer satisfaction. Can be entered in the first quarter after exit Verification of any wages received in the first quarter after exit After a participant has officially entered employment, complete the first follow-up using the SCSEP Unsubsidized Employment Form and entering the data into SPARQ.
Follow-up #1: What data do you need to collect? 26. *90-day date _______________________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) 27. Has the participant returned to program within the first 90 days after exit? Yes No 27a. Has the participant re-enrolled in SCSEP within the first 90 days after exit? Yes No 28. Follow-up 1: a. * Scheduled date:_______ (MM/DD/YYYY) b. Completed date: _______ (MM/DD/YYYY) c. Any wages for first quarter after exit quarter? Please also indicate method of verification No wages Yes, supplemental through case management, participant survey, and/or verification with the employer Unable to obtain information Excluded (Check Reason) * No data entry in SPARQ. Field is system-generated. 28c. vi DV TIP: Self-attest form, secure pay stubs, written statement of earnings from employer, or detailed case notes to validate.
Follow-Up 2 – Credit for Retention and Average Earnings Performance Measures Follow-up #2 focuses on both retention and earnings. Only entered if there was a successful Follow-up 1 meaning participant was working in first quarter after exit Can be entered in the fourth quarter after exit Verification of wages received and total amount of earnings for both the second and third quarters after exit, respectively This second follow-up should be completed using the SCSEP Unsubsidized Employment Form and entering the data into SPARQ.
Data for Follow-up #2 29. a. *Scheduled date: _______________________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) b. Completed date: _______________________________ (MM/DD/YYYY) c. Any wages for second quarter after exit quarter? Please also indicate method of verification: No wages Yes, supplemental through case management, participant survey, and/or verification with the employer Unable to obtain information Excluded (Check Reason) d. If yes, earnings for second quarter after exit quarter $_______ 29c. vi DV TIP: Self-attest form or secure pay stubs, written statement of earnings from employer, or detailed case notes to validate. 29d. DV TIP: Earnings information must come from pay stubs, or a written statement from the employer, or case notes based on information from the employer. .
Data for Follow-up #2 (cont’d) i. 29 e. Any wages for third quarter after exit quarter? Please indicate method of verification No wages Yes, supplemental through case management, participant survey, and/or verification with the employer vii. Unable to obtain information viii. Excluded (Check Reason) 29e. vi DV TIP: Self-attest or secure pay stubs, written statement of earnings from employer, or detailed case notes to validate. f. If yes, earnings for third quarter after exit quarter $____________________ 29f. DV TIP: Earnings information must come from pay stubs, or a written statement from the employer, or case notes based on information from the employer.
Follow-Up 3 – Additional Indicator of Retention at One Year Follow-up #3 focuses on retention of unsubsidized employment at one year after program exit. Only completed if there was a successful Follow-up 2 (wages received in both second and third quarters after exit) Can be entered in the fourth quarter after exit Verification of any wages received in the fourth quarter after exit As with the previous two follow-ups, project sponsors need to use the SCSEP Unsubsidized Employment Form and then enter the data into SPARQ.
Follow-up #3: What data do you need to collect? a. * Scheduled date:_______ (MM/DD/YYYY) b. Completed date: _______ (MM/DD/YYYY) c. Any wages for fourth quarter after exit quarter? Please also indicate method of verification No wages Yes, supplemental through case management, participant survey, and/or verification with the employer Unable to obtain information Excluded (Check Reason) * No data entry in SPARQ. Field is system-generated. 30c. vi DV TIP: Self-attest or secure pay stubs, written statement of earnings from employer, or detailed case notes to validate.
Entering Follow-up Information
Follow-Ups Summary Recorded on Unsubsidized Employment Form/SPARQ Placement Page Required for all participants who exit into Unsubsidized Employment or have a Placement After Exit Follow-Up for participants who exit for Other Reasons may help capture Entered Employment/Employed After Exit Follow-up is a must if you want your project to get credit for Entered Employment in performance measures
Follow Up Practices to Improve Results Stay up to date on who needs a follow up - Review SPARQ “Pending Follow-up” management report to ensure timely follow-up and no rejected records At orientation of participants, discuss the purpose of follow ups once they later find unsubsidized employment Get an authorization for release of information form signed Ensure you have the correct employer information in SPARQ for future follow up.
Follow Up Practices to Improve Results Do a site visit to conduct the follow up, especially for the first follow up Tell participant that it is not only about getting this data, but this it is an opportunity to check in and find out if you can assist them with supportive services that help ensure their success Review the process again when a participant is deemed job ready Include on agenda at participant and host agency supervisor meetings.
Follow Up Practices to Improve Results Send a letter of congratulations to the participant when they are hired Send a letter of congratulations when a participant is hired to the host agency or for profit employer supervisor Touch base with participant every 7-10 days in the first 30 days to ensure a placement after 30 days Again at two or three months to ensure six months retention When calling, ask the SCSEP Alumni if there are any job leads, too! Indicate to them again that you will be following up for a number of reasons: To collect the latest information regarding their wages for the Dept of Labor. State that DOL wants to ensure that participants find success through employment which illustrates a participant is staying engaged within the community and continuing to work towards self sufficiency. Further, say that you will ask them how it’s going, what is working and what challenges are they facing so that you may try to assist. If problems arise, they often occur during this time frame (30-90 days) Regular follow-up can identify problems and give staff an opportunity to initiate actions to deal with them before a former participant is terminated or leaves a job. Let them know that you would be reaching out about 3 times (?) over a period of 18 (16?) months and will look forward to catching up and seeing if their wages have changed in any way. Include a handwritten note of congratulations to both participant and supervisor to add a personal touch. Indicate in both letters about the follow up of the SCSEP alumni’s progress that will occur.
Follow Up Practices to improve results When calling or visiting the SCSEP employer, continue to promote goodwill and query for future job prospects Ask the employer if there is anything you can do to help with the participants’ success (include this as one reason in the congratulatory letter for following up) When doing a follow up with the employer, let them know when you will be following up again and send them an email Consider making the next follow up appointment during your current follow up call.
Difference between SCSEP Performance and Data Validation Data in SPARQ is what counts for performance Data Integrity remains important – Input what is true Case Note – Get enough true/accurate information to satisfy performance…though you could possibly fail Data Validation if you miss something.
Difference between SCSEP Performance and Data Validation Example: Data Validation Handbook indicates that you must obtain documentation of earnings for entire quarter, and can not estimate based on hourly rate and average hours per week. If you aren't able to obtain document for entire quarter, but you are able to obtain several pay stubs, enter the estimated wages based on what you were able to obtain, and use detailed case notes to explain. While this may not meet the data validation requirements completely, entering the estimate is a more accurate representation of the outcome for the participant than not reporting the earnings.
Postell and Chris need this, please. Due Dates for PY16 Close Next Steps: Deadline to enter all PY2016 Data will be in September SSAI will notify you of the date. Deadline for Quarter 4 close will be July 28th. Postell and Chris need this, please.
June Webinar Series June 8th: SSAI’s Visibility Toolkit and Getting the Word Out About SCSEP June 15th: Overview of SSAI’s Annual Year End Additional Funds Process Recordings have been posted on the SSAI Partner’s Page
June Webinar Series Thursday June 29th at 2:00 pm Eastern. Elizabeth White – Author of 55, Unemployed and Faking Normal
Questions After This Webinar Contact SSAI: Email:; or Call: 301-578-8989; or Open a case via SSAI Connect