Welcome to... Riverside Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
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Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful 1 2 3 Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful Lee V. Mediately Craven Sumfood Anita Hugginkiss Starring: Phil R. Up 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 What is 23?
1 8 Home
What is the divisibility rule for 4? 2 What is the divisibility rule for 4?
If 4 can go into the last 2 digits Home
What does evaluate mean? 3 What does evaluate mean?
3 Solve-get the answer Home
What is 4 * 4 * 4* 4 in exponential notation?
4 44 Home
5 What do I do first? 22 + (4 * 4) – 12
5 Parentheses (4*4) Home
6 Is 51 prime or composite?
6 Composite Home
7 Evaluate. 24 + 6 * 4
7 40 Home
8 What is 520?
8 1 Home
9 What are the factors of 21?
9 1*21 3*7 Home