Proposal for ENV.2013.6.4-3 Coasts at threat in Europe: tsunamis and climate-related risks Prof. Dr. Maria Ana V Baptista FFCUL University of Lisboa Fac.


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal for ENV.2013.6.4-3 Coasts at threat in Europe: tsunamis and climate-related risks Prof. Dr. Maria Ana V Baptista FFCUL University of Lisboa Fac. Ciencias, C1,3º E-mail: Vice –chair ICG-EAMTWS 2007-2011 Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner METU Department of Civil Engineering Ocean Engineering Research Center 06800 Ankara Turkey E-mail: Vice – Chair ICG – NEAMTWS 2011-2013 On behalf of Francois Schindele (France), Helene Hebert (France), Utku Kanoglu (Turkey), Costas Synolakis (Greece), Stefano Tinti (Italy), Mauricio Gonalez (Spain), Joer Behrens (Germany), Vasily Titov (USA), Kenji Satake (Japan), F. Imamura (Japan) and OTHER CANDIDATE PARTNERS key players in the North East Atlantic & Mediterranean Region of IOC-UNESCO: OPERATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: Future Tsunami Watch Providers of NEAM region CEA – France, IPMA – Portugal, NOA/HCMR – Greece, KOERI – Turkey Curtesy of Ayvazovsky

OUR EXPERIENCE IN EUROPEAN TSUNAMI PROJECTS Proposal for ENV.2013.6.4-3 Coasts at threat in Europe: tsunamis and climate-related risks UNIVERSITIES (in alphabetic order): Universities: Bologna (Italy), Cantabria (Spain), Hamburg (Germany), Lisbon (Portugal) Middle East Technical University, (Turkey), GFZ (Germany)… RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS (in alphabetic order): From Europe: CEA_DASE (France), Helenic Center for Marine Research (Greece), NOA National Observatory Athens (Greece) From Outside Europe: EERI (Japan), Tohoku University (Japan), PMEL – NOAA USA OUR EXPERIENCE IN EUROPEAN TSUNAMI PROJECTS TRANSFER, NEAREST, SEAHELARC, SCHEMA, GITECTWO, GITEC… Curtesy of Ayvazovsky

Proposal for ENV.2013.6.4-3 Coasts at threat in Europe: tsunamis and climate-related risks OUR EXPERTISE Marine Hazards and Tsunamis, Warning Systems, Numerical and Physical Modeling, Disaster Management, Mitigation Strategies, Coastal Engineering, Coastal Zone Managemet, Marine structures, Ocean Engineering, Planning and Design of Coastal structures, Wave Hydrodynamics, Statistical Analysis, Societal Impacts , Wind and Wave Climate GOAL European Strategy for Resilient Societies against Tsunamis and Marine Hazards Curtesy of Ayvazovsky

THANKS FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION Detection Monitoring Assessment Warning Mitigation Resilience Structural Societal Preparadness Administrative Research Collaboration Data Sharing Experience Training Operation Insurance Academia Decision Makers Stakeholders Heritage Areas Resources Natural and Marine Protected Areas Industrial Complex and Sensitive/Critical Structures THANKS FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION