Experience on PPP Institution framework Legal and regulation responsibility oversight and Key lesson Zimbabwe: Currently non existent framework btn Gov and Private sector moving towards joint venture mechanism Madagascar: recently (2016) PPP act approved not yet used Egypt: Existing and a number of projects have been done mainly in T & D with no support from Ministry only Monitoring RE independent Commission manages the oversight of project implementation Swaziland: PPP policy custodian is the ministry of finance www.gov.sz (follow the ministry of finance tab) Transaction advisors appointed Line ministries identify projects Auditor general measures VFM of projects
Malawi: PPP policy and act available Have a wheeling policy to market rules and grid code but have an IPP framework* Existence of the PPP commission to provide oversight 1st PPP will be implemented in the soon to be installed Coal fire PP Comoros: only 3 main cities use electricity for 20yrs but since April 2017 90% of access no legal framework or regulation only searching method to get electricity fully government owned no partnership with PS regarding RE : exists Association of Consumers in PS of RE Rwanda: PPP guides the Energy Project Implementation Burundi: PPP law since 2015, with National Commission in MOF with Member Electricity and Regulator developer does the FS and Govt recruits a Consultant to confirm, upon which MOF defines which mechanism to follow Main issue political risk: hence 2 signed projects not yet implemented
Ethiopia: no PPP in place approved though has been developed No IPP framework all projects currently Govt owned Existence of every infrastructure COMESA is the recommended Debt Equity ratio 85 to 15 while in Ethiopia is 75 to 25 Rwanda recommended is 70 to 30 Sudan: Have an Electricity law PPP Unit in MOF recently set up IPP roadmap under preparation to be given to developers. Currently PPA signed with transmission company like solar project under preparation in the BOO
Seychelles Policy enacted March last year , 1st PPP project soon to be in place Comes from Line Ministry, technical legal and environmental then sent to development committee to streamline the project to be sent to the attorney general to oversee the legalities. An independent body the investment board to evaluate the project for implementation Solar farm under the RFP stage working with the ASL of the ADB to legalise the process Mauritius: In place since 2004 focused on Energy and Water sector though no project has been implemented through that mechanism PPP due to Unsolicited bid received and corruption concern New committee oversee the implementation of projects of cost over 1m usd to ensure PPP New introduction of BOT framework for all infrastructure projects Now working on LNG FS to come up with mechanism for the most appropriate financing, still limited by capacity
Risk No regulatory entity previously done by the ministry Lack of capacity Concern on payment in Dollars (currency Risk) Company should be local/working under local currency Sovereign guarantee is it the way to go? Political risk Current risk