WeLcome to west u troop 266 evergreen fundraising event! Western Cedar Garland 28” Mixed Evergreen Wreath Western Cedar gift Garland 22” Mixed Evergreen Wreath September 2017
Links and Info: (Scouts) FUNDRAISING 101 Links and Info: (Scouts) - Package: Product flyer, order & direct delivery form - Scout registration: http://util.sherwoodforestfarms.com/users/register/regcode:6d74c19d53 - Scout Login for orders and cash/check payments: http://util.sherwoodforestfarms.com/users/login **************************************************************************** Links and Info: (Customers) - Customer ordering site & credit card sales ONLY: http://sffsalestrack.com/WUUMCTroop266WreathFundraiser - Deadline to turn in orders: October 31st Tuesday - Pickup & Delivery: After Thanksgiving TBD - Direct delivery: First 2 weeks after Thanksgiving - Questions: Vivien Liu 713.291.0908 / vliu@Statoil.com Paulette Chavez (713) 661.6094/acpc@aol.com
Scout registration http://util.sherwoodforestfarms.com/users/register/regcode:6d74c19d53
YOU collect the check YOU collect the cash
1. Copy and paste Sherwood Forest Farms’ link below. LINK FOR Paypal pymt 1. Copy and paste Sherwood Forest Farms’ link below. http://sffsalestrack.com/WUUMCTroop266WreathFundraiser
- Access your account: http://util.sherwoodforestfarms.com/users/login