Narrowing your topic; finding sources Finding Support Narrowing your topic; finding sources
Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Films” According to King, why do we crave horror films? Do you agree? Why do you think we watch so many horror films? For those of us who do not like modern horror, why don’t we like it? Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Films”
How to Make this Your Topic General topic: Horror Films – Why do we watch them? What kind of horror films? Slasher? Monster? Psychological? Demons/Ghosts? Zombies? Others? Define we. Teens? Male teens? Female teens? Females in general? Males in general? Old people? Kids? How to Make this Your Topic
Focusing/Narrowing Why do male teens watch slasher films? Why do female teens watch films about demons? What do teens want from the modern day horror film? Why has the horror genre gotten so bloody? Do we need/want more violence? Are we desensitized to violence? Why? What do we GET from watching these movies? Focusing/Narrowing
Journal Reflection on Horror Genre What did you all say about the goriness of the modern horror film? Journal Reflection on Horror Genre
Galileo Films on Demand eBooks Researching the topic
How do I weed through my sources? Methods of annotating? Gathered too much/too little Organizing (to print or not to print) What am I looking for? How much support do I really need? Balancing my p.o.v. with sources How do I weed through my sources?
Getting started Find a topic Start off big and then narrow it down (not too narrow!) Gather more research than you need Write your thesis Find a method of organizing your support Write the paper! Getting started