Research on Natural & Technological Hazards in the EU 


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Presentation transcript:

Research on Natural & Technological Hazards in the EU  Karen Fabbri DG-Research - D.2. European Commission Brussels, Belgium

5th Framework Programme for RTD (FP5) Every 4 years the EU prepares a new plan identifying research priorities in the EU (now in FP5 - 1999-2002). The approximate budget = +14 billion Euro over a 4 year period. Financial support is obtained via calls for “project proposals”. “Principle of subsidiarity” - research projects should have a wide EU dimension, and should address issues of EU relevance. Proposals are evaluated by panels of external experts: success based on scientific excellence.

Community RTD - a changing budget

Community RTD - changing priorities

Fifth Framework Programme (1999-2002) FP5 aims to promote: multi-disciplinary & multi-sectoral research involvement of stakeholders/end-users policy-relevant research sustainability: through the integration of environment, economics, and social sciences 4 main Thematic Programmes: Quality of Life (life sciences) Information Society Technologies (IT) Sustainable Growth Energy, Environment and SD

FP5-cont’d Horizontal Programmes: International role of community research (INCO) Innovation and SME participation Human potential and the socio-economic knowledge base Direct Actions: Joint Research Centre

Environment & Sustainable Development Programme Key Actions: Sustainable management and quality of water Global change, climate and biodiversity Sustainable marine ecosystems The city of tomorrow and cultural heritage Generic Activities: Natural & Technological Hazards Earth Observation Socio-economics

The Fight Against Major Natural & Technological Hazards Objectives: To develop methods and technologies (including EO & DSS) for: environmental/socio-economic impact and risk assessment, risk management and disaster preparedness, hazard forecasting & monitoring, prevention, evaluation & mitigation To promote strategies with a view of providing input to EU policies (i.e. civil protection) and relevant legislation To integrate e-science techniques

All Risk Areas To promote research on: risk prevention, reduction and/or mitigation risk and impact assessment (environmental, economic, social) decision-support methodologies disaster preparedness risk perception, communication and awareness Particular attention should be paid to aspects of end-user/stakeholder-driven, problem-solving and policy-relevant research !

Technological Risks Technological Risks” - accidents resulting from natural and/or man-made causes related to major hazardous facilities, ie: industrial plants transport systems & interfaces maritime disasters leading to large scale consequences for people & environment Understanding of processes Risk assessment and forecasting Risk management and mitigation

Forest Fires The development of improved methodologies and tools for: improved fire fighting safety &efficiency fire spread and suppression modelling assessing wildland fires and fires at the interface with urban and industrial areas characterising socio-economic aspects of forest fires assessing forest silviculture and pasture management as fuel management tools.

Floods and Hydrogeological Risks Development of new and improved methodologies and tools to: increase understanding of mechanisms and processes allow integrated studies of the occurrence of extreme flood events link meteorological and hydrological events & climatic forcing assess, manage & mitigate risks resulting from floods, landslides, avalanches, and large storms examine relations with land use and land cover.

Seismic Risks Development of improved methods models and tools to: identify high seismic risk areas observe, analyse and monitor earthquake-related parameters and phenomena identify factors that increase the level of natural hazards determine hazard vulnerability & risk assessment improve earthquake resistance of constructions estimate local ground motion variations examine predisaster scenarios exchange data combat disasters and alleviate their consequences

Volcanic Risks Development of new and improved methodologies for: evaluation of magma properties, processes, & magma storage. Development of computing environments and codes for: integrating data from multi-sensor permanent surveillance networks & by spaceborne platforms.

Types of Projects Shared-Cost RTD, demonstration, combined RTD/Demonstration, innovation, infrastructure projects. Concerted Actions & Thematic Networks. CRAFT projects (involving industry) Accompanying Measures: grants for conferences workshops expert meetings publications fellowships advanced study courses etc.

ESD - Proposal Submission Next cut-off date for RTD proposal submission: 15 October 2001 For information see:

Expert Evaluators - Welcome ! Each proposal is evaluated by a panel of 3 + independent experts to apply: all sectors (academia, industry, government, etc) all fields reimbursement of travel & accommodation costs honorarium / daily allowance

CORDIS: official web site for EU RTD Info desks: Learn about past and ongoing projects: select “databases” / “projects” / “search” enter keywords (ie: Seveso, industrial hazards…) access to project abstracts, partnership, and contact information Submit your own research results:

CORDIS Search for Partners: Interactive Services Partners Search for RTD in Member States Research & Development Gateway Member States Service

CERIF Common European Research Information Format CERIF 2000 is a set of guidelines meant for everyone dealing with research information systems. The CERIF 2000 guidelines are developed by a group of experts from the EU Member States and Associated Member states, under the co-ordination of the European Commission. CERIF 2000 is created: To help new research information system developers by offering a superset of appropriate components from an full research information data model; To assist existing CRIS (Current Research Information Systems) who are considering extensions with e.g. other types of research information; To guide CRIS on how to structure and index their data in order to ensure the possibility of easy data exchange of similar information in between their research information systems.

Other EU RTD on-line Research DG: Research on EUROPA: Frequently Asked Questions: RTD Info Magazine